An UH-H1 Huey honest review - Taog's Hangar


At the risk of sparking up the old debate, I would very much have liked to be able to add guns to the exterior of the military version for those ride of the Valkyries moments, but it’s against their company policy even on pc

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Only on the market place, though. Aircraft sold externally can have all the weapons they want. It was Taogs choice alone to not include them.

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They did a poll on discord and the majority who voted said they didn’t care that it didn’t have guns for this particular sim. So wanting guns was a minority view of their discord users. {don’t shoot the messenger}.

Still an unforunate choice. They even put guns on airshow routines with the Huey. It’s just part of the iconic look that is missing now.

The Blackbird Huey will at least have the doorgunner M60s from what I’ve seen. It’s gonna be interesting to see how they compare otherwise.


I just watched your review. Very nice! Especially the intro shots. :sunglasses:

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so go and vote,19 hour left :wink:

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I just voted. 4 votes difference (only 3 now) is a “majority” in a technical sense, but not enough to omit weapons, I think. It’s pretty much half who want them.

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It’s also half that don’t want them. Kind of silly having them in MSFS, use DCS for pew pew. I think I used them once on the Shrike just to see what they looked like, but there’s zero utility to them, or flight effect. A lot of extra developer work for zero actual benefit. Even firing blanks in RL exercises is kind of lame compared to live range work.

Huey’s have just as much use in commercial work than in war.

Not to mention the most dangerous Huey flying in Vietnam was in pure medevac roles…with no weapons.

There’s a few first hand accounts from Vietnam dustoff pilots/crews here:

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That is just it… we cannot shoot the messenger as we do not have any guns… :crazy_face:

Well, 100% of that half would be free to not use that optional feature. :grin:

I don’t want to go pew, pew. I just want it to look the part. :wink:


It’s not for pew pew. It’s to have the gun(s) or rocket pod(s) optionally SHOW on the airplane. It would be like designing a Learjet without the famous Learjet tiptanks. I’m all for giving people options, even if I myself don’t care one way or the other.


You can always make your own weapons mod (it’s been done with other aircraft), rather than force the developer to waste their time making pointless cosmetic addons. Nobody is stopping you from doing that.

The developer has a lot to work on, and it’s plain the silent majority are fine with the dev focusing on actual flight/activity improvements that are more attuned to MSFS and have a bigger payoff in terms of regular use.

This isn’t a big developer shop, it’s a small indie developer, and being mindful of their time, productivity, and focus to deliver improvements that benefit everyone on a regular basis would be nice.


Added guns to the heli for simple target practice at sea.Not using them for destruction where you need to stay in a certain zone for sea challenges.Even give us some challenges maybe flying through train tunnels from one city to another.You could add this to the new 2024 version fllying through mountains in a tunnel but in heli or plane.