That with the hydraulic Hand-Pump would be the Cherry on the Cake. The Supercharger is explained in the Manual.
Thanks, will investigate
Thank you for verifying this- hopefully the Devs are watching.
Is that Vraciu?
And confirmed, thank you! We shall be fixing this of course. So for now, apparently the generator will remain off when starting from Cold and Dark.
The work around: use the keybind “ALTERNATOR ON” once after startup. You’d still need 1300RPM or more for it to kick in (which is correct), but your battery will receive the juice it needs.
Sorry about that, we’ll get it sorted!
thank you, but i think that’s depend of aircraft scheme and engine power, some time must be air flow from prop push on vertical stabilizer too. with p-factor g-recession can be very powerful too, when changing not only attitude but every vector. again that’s all about certain scheme and power engine. warbirds was create by conception aircraft for engine. ga - engine for aircraft. in most situation. that’s must be had some sense in simulator il-2 fb same in this hellcat about grows left yaw with grows power. in soviet aircraft was props spin in opposite direction so in old il-2 fb simulator all soviet aircraft drift right.
Got Gravel, in case you missed some of the commentary above, please have a look at the canopy issue- doesn’t open all the way.
I am loving this aircraft, thank you!
Hello and thank you very much for this aircraft,
One question; ist the letter L also bound to the wing folding ?
When i switch ohn the lights by pressing L the wings also are folding.
Or have i missed something
Took the bird up for a flight around NYC today and everything went great until it came time to land. I haven’t been flying with my HOTAS stick lately and couldn’t remember some of my keybinds. Lost too much situational awareness while turning to final on KLGA runway 22 and, well …
Seriously though - very nice flight characteristics and wonderful modeling as usual. I do think something might be off with the turn-and-bank indicator. When trimmed for level flight at a sedate 180 knots and about 3,000’ MSL, the indicator kept telling me I was in a left bank (I didn’t get a screen shot but I will try again after college football this evening). Has anyone else noticed this? Perhaps it was a glitch.
Perhaps you were in uncoordinated flight? Try to compensate with rudder trim.
As I said, I was trimmed for level flight (rudder and aileron trim). This isn’t my first warbird in the sim.
Like I said, maybe it was a glitch or something but I didn’t have time to investigate much.
may be you guys will first. after modeling engine’s yaw. probably you can rewrite animation surfaces logic, that’s still with us from fsx. i’m talking about set dependency dynamic surfaces and virtual joystick/pedals of airflow only and absolute independence of physical joystick/rudder, that’s must correct flight only and not be in basic logic for set virtual surfaces. this is all about trimming, gust, turbulence, high aoa situation like stall or and spin. this is not about ffb joystick/ruder(? if ffb rudder exist). but only about conventional controls. i ask that in milviz corsair thread, looks like they will not do that. but may be you will. i thought about it when saw you modeling virtual joystick vibration. but no vibration of elevator and ailerons:). look. just imagine how cool that’s will and how unnatural this looks right now in every models in almost all models almost all simulators… you trim some roll. but even when trim tab is animated, aileron stay in neutral. same about everything else. but ailerons you can see from the cockpit. and that’s looks so sickly. same about virtual rudder and joystick of course. this is not simple stuff i think. because that’s thing will heavy depended of different situations, that was mentions above. but i think is possible. actually i hope it’s will add to sdk. because what i see. how developers add more and more airflow. i think they can add deflecting of surfaces by trim or other cause of changing airflow vector. you know like they do for airliner’s wings. really. i just sure all virtual control system and control surfaces just must moves independency of not ffb physical controls. especially visible stuff from cockpit: pedals, joystick, ailerons
Indeed it is, nearly there
same as milviz corsair problem with cylinders temperatures and opposite of the problem, is sound. if milviz has only change engine sound when canopy closed/opened. but in corsair other environment same subdued, and sound like cabin is closed. in this one. sound of environment all the time like cabin is opened. and only engine sound changing. if use headphone simulated in the sound options they are the same lol… come on.
Sorry to state maybe the obvious, but the “ball” is not a “turn indicator”. You might look straight and level but with a sideslip.
Well, as far as I could tell, I was neither banked, turning nor in any kind of sideslip. Like I said, this is NOT my first warbird in the sim, nor the first single-engine piston plane I’ve sim-flown over the decades. I know how to create a sideslip and how to prevent one. If the indication had made sense to me based on my experience, I wouldn’t have reported it. But I haven’t yet had time to fly any more to see if it is repeatable or not though. However, if no one else is seeing anything similar, it may just have been something odd on my end.
This aircraft does not fly well with SU10BETA
We’ve done extensive testing with SU10BETA without any issues.
We wanted the folding wings to work in multiplayer. Since there are no “generic” multiplayer variables provided by MSFS we have to use one of the few existing ones, like Landing Lights, which were available for us to use as the Hellcat does not have them.
Because of this you can now fold your wings on the ground, and your friend next to you will see that action.
ok, understand, thank you for clarifying