[RELEASED] Rara-Avis Sims Bulldog Autogyro

This Autogyro was one of kind, only one prototype was built and I’m not sure if it even flew. I was supposed to have been flight tested back in July 2015 but It all went quite after that, company went bust not long after…

Here’s a few pics (Still WIP)


You sure like your quirky looking aircraft, don’t ya? :sunglasses: What a cool project! Looking forward to this! Will be exciting to see how well autogyro physics work in this sim.

(Here’s hoping there’ll be one without GPS as well, and without the carbon fibre panel in the rear cockpit. Nothing wrong with that, but I’m into old style cockpits. And anyway, it’s a Rara-Avis, so having a huge number of variants wouldn’t be unheard-of.)


these guys set the bar so fly with there flying flea`s, will look forward to this beastie . confirmation coming to Xbox please?

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We’ll, this is super cool. I’ll be jumping on this one at release.

Your Flea is awesome. I almost missed out on it because I disregarded it when you first posted the announcement for it. I was like, “who wants to put around in something so old and slow?” Then I saw the detail in the screenshots just before its release and figured I’d give it a try. Glad I took a second look. The detail is awesome and so is the flight model. One of the better and cooler aircraft in my hanger. And I have over 200 of them. I would expect this to be a hoot too!’ Looking forward to its release.

Thanks for doing cool aircraft that are out of the norm.


and thats the point, we want aircraft fun to fly and different. in the pervious flight sims i probably never bothered with autogyro`s and flying fleas. but with the scenery quality in this sim ,these aircraft are a must . and variety of flight characteristics just makes it so fun. it is a shame we are now getting so much duplication of aircraft, when there is over 100 years of trail and error in the skies


Looks superb! Definitely a day 1 addition to my Quirk Hangar C3 building. Plenty of space left in that one :wink:


Yes definitely on Xbox, If we want our planes on Xbox we have to test it ourselves now so I had to take a purchase. I must say I don’t know how you Xbox’s cope with just the controller, I must learn…


And this year is 100 years since the first Autogyro flight, at the moment the flight model can touch down at about 25 kts with a maximum speed of just over 100 kts, its fun :slight_smile:

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MS/Asobo haven’t really touched on the Autogyro physics yet but… I think what I’ve done with the flight model is reasonably accurate. I can def do one without GPS or a switch to turn it on/off ? 15 paint schemes at the moment, not sure when to stop :rofl:


You’re absolutely awesome! As B.A. said, this will be a day one purchase for me!

I guess there are many who prefer a GPS and many others who prefer no GPS. So having an option (e.g. with a button or through an EFB) would be superb!

As for when to stop… well, just as long as we end up with a great “plane” I’ll be a happy camper no matter when you stop.


thats great news its coming to the console world. after how well your flying flea flies sure it will all be all checked out. rather you did it as asobosoft for instance can`t get the camera angles right on there dhc-4!. as for using the controller let me know when you get a handle on it. i use the logitech hotas on one and a yoke on the other.

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Most of us don’t. I use HOTAS, pedals, mouse, and keyboard, as do many others. Just like PC users really.


You need at least a mouse, i started off msfs with just the controller, because i played every game with the controller. Soon i realised that msfs is not like every other game, i bought a mouse. Even today, when i am testing something, i often only use controller and mouse. But in fact, i have my yoke, flight stick and pedals for when i really want to fly.


very true Filyingjones. i also have full keyboard between stick and throttle. controls mainly prop and mixture ,but also tail hook, engine ,maps and camera. also mouse for viewing and in sim menu. and sometimes laptop looking up points of view and places. only use Xbox controller to crash! hence i have a yoke with rest when downstairs. i have some rudder pedal but rarely use them as normally have my feet up. i feel shame.

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Haha. That’s how F1 drivers fly their planes, with the pedals mounted on the wall. It could work!

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as am flying a lot in the flying flea at the mo, not a problem :wink:

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True true :slight_smile:
Maybe just for some gentle leg exercise while you fly. Multi-tasking :slight_smile:

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the multi-tasking is covered by drinking coffee , and others refer to this as a game? its life on the edge!

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Here’s the alternative panel with some wear on and steam gauges in the front cockpit. You can edit the xml file to have either old or new panel load by default (Not MP version)


Absolutely awesome! Thank you so very much! Really can’t wait. But do take your time! But hurry up, pretty please! :smile:

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