[Announcement] Vessels: Enhanced AI | Seafront Simulations

Did some flights before i bought the product and some afterwards. I tried at three different locations: around the oresund bridge, Bergen norway and the strait of Calais. Before i installed the Enhanced AI i found the standard leisure boats that come with the sim, as can be seen on the shot below, and none of the freighters or ferry`s that come with the sim.

Before installing the pack.

I found that the leisure ships tend to pop in and out sometimes at greater distances after the last update. The amount of ships that the sim generates at standard felt on the low side for the leisure ships and are almost none existent for the freighter and ferry`s ( i encountered one freighter in my test flight)

After installing the enhanced AI you get som new ship models that replace the default ones. I tested the same locations and did get to see the new models and wakes. I was happy to see the standard yachts that come with the sim were replaced with some other types, this made it feel more realistic. Below some shots with the pack installed.

Unfortunatly te poping in and out at greater distances did not stop, but this is something with the sim and not the product. The models that come with this pack look great and include wakes. The night lighting is really pretty. I know the product does not change the number of ships, but it would be nice if it would be possible to increase the number of leisure ships that are being generated at random by the game. The product deliveres what it promises and gives a more realistic look and impression.