Another example of ATC <--> Flight Crew communication errors almost ending in disaster

Thank God the Southwest pilot was so alert.

Was covered by blancolirio too.

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I’d say this was more of a lack of situational awareness than a communications error.
A correct readback was given, but not followed.
I don’t think they were aware of what runway they were crossing.

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If you look at the runway they were taxiing on (4L), it doesn’t have any hold short lines when crossing any of the other runways. Not saying that it’s not incumbent upon the crew to still see the signage and hold short, but the setup doesn’t leave a lot of room for error. Same holes, less cheese.

Taking them around the north side of the airport on whiskey and November is less expedient, but has a lot more safeguards in the form of markings. Crossing 13R/31L (which they were cleared to do) is barely discernible as a runway, easy to miss if you’re not on your game.


In the video it shows the ground controller had to give the FlexJet pilot taxi instructions twice, correcting him when the readback was incorrect.

I agree that lack of situational awareness played a big role as well.
Sounds like the pilot didn’t know the airport well, and maybe didn’t do a proper review of his chart. He sounded confused.

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At 6:07 the video shows what is supposedly a ‘real’ photo of a Dash-8 taking off, showing Hold Lines. Sure looks like a Flight Sim screenshot to me!

Edit - nevermind - that was a 2022 aerial. The most recent does show hold short lines. So back to a reasonable amount of Swiss cheese and worse for the crew.

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Captain Steeeve as well.

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