Another "Please help with Saitek / Logitech Yoke System" post

Hello all,

I’m hoping someone out there can help me configure my Saitek / Logitech Flight Yoke system to work with MSFS 2020. I have the game, and that works fine. Its horrible with the keyboard and mouse, but that part at least works.

I recently added the above mentioned yoke system and I cannot get it to fly straight at all. Most of the time it pulls to one side. I have read many posts about recalibrating, reg edits etc. but no luck there. Originally I did not install the Logitech Software, and at least at that point I was able to calibrate the yoke to some extent. The pulling was still there but on occasion I could correct it.

A friend suggested I install the Logitech software so I did. After doing that I can no longer calibrate the controller… the option is gone.

That same friend also suggested the following steps:

  1. Turn on computer
  2. Run joy.cpl and verify status of yoke (off centered to the right)
  3. Unplug Yoke system
  4. Run Regedit file
  5. Plug yoke back in
  6. Run Joy.cpl to verify status of yoke (at this point he said it SHOULD be fixed)

For me, that didn’t help. Then I found some articles and videos about adjusting the dead zones. I tried that as well (as you can see on the right screenshot) but no luck.

I guess its possible I have a defective yoke system but before I return it, I thought I’d check to see if a nyone has any other ideas I can try? Hopefully you can see my screenshot. This is what the yoke looks like. On the left it does look centered but i accidentally took the screenshot while I was steering slightly to the left to compensate, but its normally off to the right a little bit.

I don’t think you will need to return it. You can allways calibrate your device inside Windows, outside the device software. Search for your yoke in Control Panel, Devices. Right click on the yoke-image, select the top one, it should be something like Gamecontrolsettings (my system is in Dutch so I don’t know if the translation is correct), select Properties and then you can calibrate. Usualy you do not need to go through all of this. My Saitec also pulls to the right, dispite autorudder turned on. It occurred since I disassembled the device to remove the nasty elevator detend. If you, before every flight, move the yoke axis to full left, full right and full forward and full backwards, the yoke autocalibrates and centers nicely. I hope this helps.

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I have the yoke, rudder and 2 throttle quads… I adjust my dead zones 2-3 times per flight on my yoke using the windows game controller setup that you are showing. The potentiometers are cheap, meaning they are not great quality. My stuff is almost 10 years old, but still plugging along. Ensure you art not having a rudder/rudder trim issue. I suggest deleting all controller assignments to be sure there are none conflicting… even through keyboard inputs and customizing all your inputs. To make it simpler, make new profiles (Copy) in the sim for each controller, then set the new ones up from scratch. If you get lost, then you still have the default inputs to go back to. It is kind of a pain but you will be very happy when it is done.

Sorry, I didn’t notice your post somehow or I would have responded earlier.

This is a quite common thing.
There are several first steps to take.
With the sim running, if you are on the start up screen, from the top heading, select “Options”, or if you are already in the sim, press “ESC” on the keyboard.

  • Under “General”
    Set “Flight Model” to “Modern”, not “Legacy”.
  • Under “Assists”
    Set all “Piloting” assists to “Off”
    When you are in the sim, from the “winged” sim icon, ensure in AI Control (icon to the right of the yoke icon) that “Control Aircraft” is “Off” (button placed to the left).

Next, and quite important, is to add deadzones to each axis for all your controllers. Approximately 5% should be enough, but there have been instances where significantly more was needed.

Make sure you keep us up to date on your progress with the issue.
If you are still experiencing this after doing the above , there are still a few other steps to try!

BlackAdder7 did you try the part about pilot assist OFF and did this work? Does your yoke still go over to the full right or left

Are you having that issue?
I do know a probable cure.

Steve flyer
Yes please I can try anything so I don’t have to buy another yoke

If you have done all the above first, and the problem still persists, several person mentioned they solved this by adjusting the reactivity setting for the rudder. I have heard of settings between 20 and 65%.
Most folks have had good luck with this fix , but again, do the above steps first.