Another Saitek Trim Wheel question

I have seen a number of posts about the Saitek Trim wheel problems with getting it working, but I haven’t seen anything yet concerning my issue.
My Saitek trim wheel is working albeit with one caveat.
When trimming up (wheel rolls backward) the movement speeds up as it passes the neutral point, whereas when going below the neutral point the movement slows down which is more like what I experience in the real Piper Arrow.
It is obviously noticeable in the sensitivity settings as the dot moves slower on the down side and fast on the up side of the graph. Same thing is noticeable with the pointer in the Sim aircraft.
So it is not a consistent speed above and below the center axes in the graph.

Has anyone else noticed this behavior?
Is there a solution or is this a MSFS issue that has no fix?’

The Flight Velocity trim wheel I have has consistent speed up and down. Also, it has a friction adjustment that helps to slow it down through the entire range of movement and I can get it to move similar to the real trim wheel.
However, I am not too fond of the feel of that FV trim wheel. I may try to fix that 3d printed wheel somehow.

But I would prefer the saitek trim wheel if it could only work the same as the FV unit.
The FV wheel is definitely poorer quality in the feel and movement compared to the Saitek unit. But it works better with MSFS than the saitek .
I wonder if I could make a hybrid unit…

Does no one using a Saitek Cessna trim wheel have this issue?