Ant's Drifter update - also see what he says about msfs prop animations

Anthony Lynch has observed a peculiarity about the spinning prop animation in MSFS -

also - he has addressed that in an update for the Drifter DEMO (to be implemented on the payware version if the feedback is positive) - as he works on the Tiger Moth
Ant’s Airplanes Drifter free demo version 1.10 update (


Great that the post also confirms in passing that he is working on a new version of his Tiger Moth for FS2020. Day One purchase to go alongside @DEAN01973’s Stearman!


Ant’s Drifter now updated to ver 1.20

What’s new in version 1.12

  • Changed the way pilot visibility is handled. Users creating custom cameras shouldn’t
    need to do any editing to show the pilot. If you do need the pilot model to be visible in your
    custom camera view add NodesToHide =“XMLVAR_PilotShown” to the camera definition.
    XMLVAR_PilotHidden is no longer used.
  • New smoother propeller animations. Recent testing has shown that the default code for
    prop animation operates at only 18 fps. Custom code in the Drifter now animates the props
    at the same rate as the sim which produces smoother animation.
  • Fixed key commands for the fuel pump
  • Fixed GPS on/off key
  • Modified engine sounds so less high frequencies are rolled off when viewing front on in
    the external camera.
  • Improved VR cockpit interactivity
  • Fixed issue with windshield rain effects not showing