Any fly-in communities modeled in MSFS?

I read Flying magazine and there’s always a multi-page ad for a place in Tennessee called The Fields that looks so cool - like a camp site and hotel with a runway. Any free or payware airfields that fit this description for some camping adventures?

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Moved to World

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There are none modeled in the default sim that I’m aware of, but there are Third Party ones you can download for PC. 2NC0 - Mountain Air can be found on popular sim mod sites for example.

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Looks like just what I was looking for, thanks! Just grabbed this from the Marketplace.

It sounds like you’re looking for camping, but, along similar lines, I’ve been working on Windsock Village near Lake Ossipee just south east of the White Mountains in NH. It’s an airport community with homes on the runway and taxiways. Plus a few other farm strips surrounding the White Mountains. Hope to start releasing them over the next few weeks. I’ve had them kind of done for a couple of years, but had to work out the airport services issues.


Check out the Parallel 42 sceneries if you didn’t already. Those mainly have a community and camping focus. And if course they’re Campout Utility which lets you camp anywhere.

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Grabbed all that stuff already - was looking for more “here’s a paved runway with an ICAO on Navigraph with REALLY local scenery like static houses, cabins” type of thing. The //42 stuff is amazingly immersive though, highly recommended and definitely deserves a place in this thread.

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Alpine Airpark (46U) in Wyoming exists IRL. I don’t know how it’s depicted in MSFS. Might be worth a look.

PS. found this on .to: 46U - Alpine Airpark for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS


Thanks for the idea!

There’s quite a few on if you search for “airpark”

P19 Stellar Airpark is just south of Phoenix AZ. It’s not a bad default fly in/live in airport.
SN61 Yoder Airpark is another in Kansas west of Wichita. But it really is a bad rendering job, no parking spots and no autogen buildings. I am sure there are plenty, just search for fly in communities.

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