Any idea how to make the color of the tail number and wing number independent of each other?

Any idea how to make the color of the tail number and wing number independent of each other? Currently, if you change the color of the tail number it reflects the wing number as well. The default livery of the bonanza has the feature and I want to implement it to the Diamond aircraft when using custom liveries.

Hi there,
I moved your question to a separate topic in SDK Discussion. Hopefully someone will be able to help you, here!

I haven’t tried this yet… but maybe this method works?

You can’t intrinsically make the default Wing and fuselage registrations different colors directly
But you can

  1. Turn off the exterior registration numbers and paint them on
  2. It might also be possible to find the HTML definitions of the registration numbers and rewrite them so you can change their color. I"m not totally sure if that’s possible, it might require access to the model definition as well, which we don’t currently have.

Specifically, I am looking into the DA40 NG which has both the tail and underwing registration. Looking into the default Bonanza & C172 livery the tail and underwing registration colors are independent from one another (tail-white, underwing-black). I am hoping I can apply the coding from both planes to the DA40 NG, however I’ve yet to find the XML definitions to modify the underwing registration numbers.

You can start looking here


You might also want to review the Carenado Arrow III html_ui directory as they’ve done some Registration customization work. After that, you’re going to need to understand the html implementation by Asobo and how it relates to livery and fonts, etc… I don’t at this time.