I’m aware they are working on introducing new aircraft but has there been any kind of update regarding the DC-6? Fixes for the lights not working (unless you hit the ‘L’ button), smoke effect for engines (must be possible as the new Connie has them) or any other changes/improvements?
The Connie’s smoke effects are actually via a completely independent mod – they’re not baked into the plane itself. As far as I know, there’s still no “native” engine smoke effect available in the current sim. I think PMDG would probably prefer to wait until Asobo catches up on this vs. introducing a second Community folder item that would generate more customer service requests… But you never know!
I think they did say that a “small” patch was coming soon, but I don’t think there were specific details on its contents.
Thanks Dave.
And even if a small 100mb patch for the PMDG Cloudmaster is released on tuesday, because I was helping to make the best plane out there even better and noticed the developers about 4 minor bugs I found… not everyone will be able to enjoy this patch because it will take approximately 4160 weeks until bespoken patch is implemented into the Cloudmaster marketplace version.
But one day in the future that small red lightbulb will finally appear over the fuse box, the cabin heater will function properly and accurately lose it´s heating power when the burner is shut off on the master switch so the cabin temp will go down, and two other minor things (on the cockpit door ladder and the vertical stabilizer) I have found and send as a bugfix ticket to the gods of study-level avionic: PMDG.
Think of me when your Cloudmaster will become even better but i don´t know if there ever will be intense black oily smoke effects. I would like that.
This would surely look cool and realistic because while the engine starts all the oil in the cylinders is burned which gives thick black diesel-like smoke and the propellers need a second or two to spin up and blow that smoke away.
PMDG usually have update cycles. They spent a significant amount of time after release to update the DC6 to what it’s now and then shifted development time to other projects. They will eventually come back to the DC6 but as long as the plane doesn’t get “broken” by a simupdate it’s unlikely that they will work on it in between all their other work. We just have to wait.
the lights not working , which should be broken enough . A user provided already a fix, in pmdg forum, which works fine, and which just needs to deliver…