Any PilotEdge Users Here?

Good afternoon forum,

I have been looking into / watching reviews, etc… on PilotEdge for the past week or so and was wondering if anyone here uses it?

Currently I use Pilot2ATC for offline ATC and then VATSIM for online. I enjoy VATSIM but the coverage areas and times are spotty and you aren’t always guarenteed ATC for the entire duration. It’s volunteer based so I get and appreciate that.

I like the idea of coverage on PilotEdge being 7 days a week (excluding Christmas and US Thanksgiving) from 11AM - 2AM EST. But it is only limited to the Western US. And comes with a heavy price tag (Just over $400 CAD for the year).

If I was to use it regularly I don’t mind payin.

My question is, for those who do use it, how often do you find yourself flying on it? And what type of Aircraft and routes are you flying?

I think I will hold off until I am flying Airliners.

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I am using PilotEdge for years now and used it on Xplane, P3D and now FS2020.
I am also using IVAO and VATSIM for information but the best experience is on PilotEdge as it is as real as it gets. You need to know what you’re doing as controlers will not be forgiving that much but we are here to learn and to have fun.
I am flying helicopters, GA plane and liners and having fun with all of them on Pilotedge.
I strongly recommend going thru the VFR pilotedge ratings and then the IFR ratings and then the SkyHigh ratings. Extremly interesting and well done.
I am trying to fly at least once a week on pilotedge and sometimes much more.
This helped me a lot converting my european PPL licence to the american one and I can tell you that flying IRL in the US is exactly the same !


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It has been a very long time since I have used PilotEdge but from what I remember you talk to the same people a whole lot and it’s nowhere near as saturated as VATSIM is. I only used it briefly before going back to VATSIM. VATSIM is much more popular and is free. I’m over 5,000 hours into VATSIM myself and honestly I see PilotEdge as redundant somewhat to what VATSIM can offer. Events on VATSIM are bursts of PilotEdge except only better.

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I guess that brings up a good point,

What is the traffic like on PE (on average)? Are you often listening to other pilots talk as well and getting in line for T/O and Landings?

VATSIM events are crazy busy.

Well, again I personally don’t use PilotEdge anymore (haven’t in a very long time, I just don’t see the point in paying for something I can find with another online network that is much more popular and free).



Can’t answer for PilotEdge but on VATSIM? Yeah, I do all the time and broadcast on 122.8 when nobody is controlling.

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I have been with PE for a few years mainly to learn how to fly with ATC. They are very good helping me out when A pilot makes mistakes. I want to try vatsim but I heard you have to know what you are doing so it sounds like not a good way to learn flying with ATC. I use pilotedge because I do want to interact with a person on the other end.

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You have me confused, you feel confident on PilotEdge but not VATSIM? If you’ve been using PilotEdge for years you’ll do just fine on VATSIM. Take what you’ve learned on PilotEdge with you on VATSIM. Also programs such as VATSTAR exist that you can enroll in to help you but if you’ve been using PilotEdge for years you may not find them of much value. Lastly mistakes happen, I’ve seen and heard them many times. Don’t feel intimidated to ask a question of frequency. Controllers would much rather you ask then not say anything. Anyway getting off topic, just really puzzled by your comment.

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VATSTAR is great, I completed the “ground school” just havne’t done my check ride for the PPL. Lots of good information on there and they also do discovery flights, etc… every other week to get you familiar with VATSIM.

I am a frequent PilotEdge user, have been since the release of MSFS2020. It is limited to the Western US, but this is partially the reason why I initially chose it over VATSIM as I live in SoCal. The VFR and IFR training missions they offer are great as a progressive way to introduce radio usage and technique, as well as different methods of navigation. Again, as it is focused around my local airspaces it was invaluable for me to practice things such as transitioning the LAX Class B which I frequently have to do IRL and can be intimidating for a newly minted private pilot such as myself. Typically, before I make a trip to an airport I haven’t been to before I will fly it in MSFS with PE.

I am currently working toward my instrument rating and also completing the PilotEdge IFR training missions as I go. I can see that it will be beneficial in building proficiency, confidence and comfort when stepping into the cockpit for real IFR flying.

When I initially looked into VATSIM IIRC they required you to complete an initial training class before going ‘live’. I may be mistaken, or this may have changed since. I also read elsewhere that the frequencies used on VATSIM do not match those in use IRL, again, I cannot confirm or deny.

I will likely try VATSIM again sometime in the future, but sticking with PE for now.

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It’s interesting you brought up ZLA, I’m enrolled as a controller there on VATSIM (still have tests and training to do) and I do a whole lot of flying on VATSIM in SoCal. I’ve been quite a regular for years and a member of their “OTS Special Operations Team”.

There is a new membership test (been a thing for a while now) and it’s very, very basic.

Yes and no, it depends on the circumstances. VATSIM works on a method called “top down”.

OP there is nothing “wrong” with PilotEdge, I just think that shelling $400 CAD per year for something that you’re not going to use regularly and isn’t that popular (when compared to VATSIM) isn’t worth it. It’s probably best you stick with VATSIM. Many have used VATSIM to supplement their training (it helps loads getting over the fear of talking to ATC). For the majority out there VATSIM is good enough.

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That’s great. I’d be interested to see how these online ATC programs look from a controllers perspective. Send me a DM if you would be willing to share some screenshots; I think it would help me understand more about your processes and workload.

Is there any kind of waiver if you are a certificated pilot?

Thanks. I will try Vatsim with VFR flying first since I have that down solid with 2 way communication with ATC.

I know I have said this before on other posts but I strongly urge anyone new to VATSIM to check out VATSTAR.

They are a great organization (completely free) who host regularly bi-weekly events for new members (open to anyone but geared towards new members).

They do a presentation with slide deck to go over everything from the client, joining, pattern and call outs.

Then you go out and do 2 flights. One at an airport with no ATC and the host acts as ATC and you do the call outs together.

Then you go to a controlled airport with ATC (who knows you are coming) and you do it with a real VATSIM controller.

It’s a nice way to ease into it with other folks who are new as well.

The next one is on the 17th @ 1800z

The slide deck can be found here

They also have a full ground school training program completely free which is a requirement (and pass final exam) if you want to get your VATSIM ratings (PPL etc…).

Used PE for years and logged more then 2000 hours. The very added value is that they provide a daily service and you can always fly every day between the many airports they seve in western US. What made me cancel the subscription is:

  • Honestly I find it a little too expensive
  • Same controller controlling different frequencies
  • Never get a chance to get into busy airspace (I believe average online users are form 10 to 30)

For the rest the service is super professional and great if you want lo train IFR procedures. I also met them at FS EXPO 2018 and they also had a plan to add some airports in Europe but they eventually did not continue with the project

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No, every new member has to complete the orientation test (it’s 15 questions, takes about 5 minutes). There is a way to transfer real world license to vatsim license ratings but you still have to complete the orientation test).

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How does PilotEdge work for smaller airports? Like, would they have both tower and ground covered for say, KSQL or KPAO?