Any Quick Launch trick for 2024? (can we turn off that video and the logos?)

PLEASE how do i not have that video play every time I start the game. It has been less then a day and I am so sick of it.

Please tell me how to do this.


You have to load the skd dev. Then you can use in tools/bin the fsdevmodelouncher.exe. This will exclude Videos ans Logos.
To load sdk you have to enable devmode and in menue install the devcore.

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I agree, the video was nice to watch once, and only once

//42 stripr was good for taking care of this sort of thing in 2020, I’m hoping it’ll be just as useful in 2024

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For (only) the logos, and if you are using msfs via steam you can add -FastLaunch in het options field in Steam (right mouse click)

Sadly not using steam… but i would like to get rid of the videos and the logos.

You have to load the skd dev. Then you can use in tools/bin the fsdevmodelouncher.exe. This will exclude Videos ans Logos.
To load sdk you have to enable devmode and in menue install the Devscore.

It wont come to FS24

Use MSFS Add-On Linker.

The quickest option I know of is to create a bat file with the following content.

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch

This is for the MS Store version.

For Steam you need to replace shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App with whatever the path is to the executable.


In steam, -FastLaunch works! Just open your games settings from library and put there.

I put that in a shortcut vs a bat file and then put that shortcut in my task bar. That fixes the logos but sadly we still have the video! That dam video must die!

You can find the Videos here:

Microsoft Store installation:

XboxGames\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\Content\Packages\fs-base-videos\Videos

If you remove the file or rename it, it will display a black screen without a progress bar and If you use a video of your own, it will play the video with the progress bar visible.


That, and the need for the start button. Why is it there? We wouldn’t have launched the program if we didn’t want it to start. Why do I need to be presented with accessibility options after the initial setup? Just load up & start the program!
The start button was unpopular in 2020, and so was gotten rid of quite awhile ago…so why did they bring it back?


I guess they changed something … the fastopen bat does not work anymore - at least for the store version… video still plays!!! Arg… nice video but need to see it only once… gets me dizzy…

Any other suggestions? (other than disabling the actual video file?)…

But replacing it with another video… blank or otherwise works!!

If you want to get rid of the annoying video every time you start the game, you have two choices. You can find the video file called “PressStartVideo-4K.mp4” and delete it.

The downside of that is you don’t get the loading progress bar. So, I created a black video file of the same length as the original one that you can replace the file with. It will just give you a black screen you can look at and you will still see the progress bar. I didn’t want to create a fake FS 2024 logo because that may create a copywrite issue for MS.

Here is a Dropbox link to my blank video:

[Dropbox]( Download blank video)

Where the file is on some people computer it is in:
XboxGames\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\Content\Packages\fs-base-videos\Videos


Your install location + Limitless\Content\Packages\fs-base-videos

On steam systems it maybe in a different location but it will look something like the above folder structure.

I would rename the existing file prior to placing this file in the directory.

I am sure this file will be replaced with patches and updates to the game so you may want to keep a copy around.


Thanks for the black video. Glad I got rid of the movie.


I made new video with static image.

You can download it here:


Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks guys!

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Thank you. Seems like whenever there is a patch, this custom startup video will get deleted and get replaced with the OEM version.

I saved the custom one in the Videos folder as CustomPressStartVideo-4K.mp4 then added a copy line in my bat file. Here is my new bat file. Next challenge is how to get rid of that redundant yellow “Start” button.

copy /Y “C:\XboxGames\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\Content\Packages\fs-base-videos\Videos\CustomPressStartVideo-4K.mp4” “C:\XboxGames\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\Content\Packages\fs-base-videos\Videos\PressStartVideo-4K.mp4”
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch

Quoting myself again. :slightly_smiling_face: