Any way tocopy old Joystick settings to new Joystick

I have an old Airbus Sidekick joysitck that broke. Is there any way I can copy the joystick settings to my new Airbus Sidekick?

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Can you tell me where I can Find it?

There is, but you may not like it.

All the configs are stored in XML files. They are in this location:


In here you will find a long list of folders with long names.

Inside some of these you will find the configs for your controllers.

For example, this file is for my yoke:


Inside this file you will see the first few lines like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Version Num="2553"/>
<FriendlyName PlatformAvailability="31">VirtualFly - YOKO+  profile</FriendlyName>
<Device DeviceName="VirtualFly - YOKO+ " GUID="{D068FA70-84D6-11EA-8002-444553540000}" ProductID="3488" CompositeID="0">

Below this line is the config. For you to copy over the config from one stick to another you would first need to identify the original device config file, and I know of no way to identify that, other than open them one by one until you find it. One way, if you still have it, would be to plug it in, launch the sim, then make some token, identifiable change, then sort the folders by date.

One you have that device, you can copy the contents to a file.

Now identify the blank stick, and only copy/paste the config below those few lines. In the image below you will see I have used Notepad++ to collapse the XML tags to make it easier to read:

Essentially, everything below the line "<Device DeviceName="VirtualFly - YOKO+ " GUID="{D068FA70-84D6-11EA-8002-444553540000}" ProductID="3488" CompositeID="0"> could be copied over, as that configuration has no unique fingerprints for a given controller. That is the line above all that.

Make this change with the sim closed, then relaunch the sim, and inspect the config for the other stick. It will need to be plugged in when you launch the sim for it to be seen. If you have never plugged it in before, you will need to do that first to create this config file in the first place.


Your right, too complicated for an old guy like me. My old stick still shows up when plugged in, so I am just going to copy down the settings and reenter them into the new stick settings. Thanks for the reply.

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