I had that issue too from time to time. I even do not own a controller. For me it solved it randomly by itself without interaction. If no controller is in play and you see this, I fear you have no possibility to resolve by yourself
What do you mean by removing the controller? Is it an image of a controller, cursor, or something else? And during which loading screen, the game loading or flight loading?
I use an Xbox controller, but have no idea what you are referring to.
In pc you usually just see the beautiful loading image. If a controller is connected this image is spoiled by an image of a Xbox controller with text … but if no controller is connected this image of the Xbox controller should also go away, but sometimes it is displayed anyways which is not correct
1 open a command window (type cmd in the search taskbar)
2 use this command (copy and paste)
start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App “-FastLaunch”
This usually happens when you start the game for the very first time and/or you delete your profile data! Sometimes it also happens if you delete your reserved space! The controller (screen) should disappear on it’s own after starting the game several times!
I am also on Steam, and for me it seems to be fixed, since I didn’t noticed the issue for quite some time now. Anyway, here you go, this is a screenshot how it looked:
Today I had to delete my profile data to fix an issue and that Xbox controller banner now appears prior each flight. Does anyone know how to remove it without a full re-install ?. I am on ms-store and don’t have an Xbox controller. See existing report: