I’ve come across a lot of posts mentioning that the A2A Comanche works fine in MSFS 2024. Unfortunately for me this isn’t the case - whenever I make it my active aircraft MSFS 2024 eventually crashes, sometimes only after a few minutes, sometimes it takes longer. Though so far it never actually happened during a flight, but always when entering/exiting pages and menus within MSFS 2024 (and sometimes when exiting the sim). As long as I don’t touch the Comanche, MSFS 2024 seems to be rock-solid for me.
So just wondering if it’s just me, or if anyone else is experiencing the same. In MSFS 2020 I never had any issues with this fabulous aircraft.
I’ve only had a couple of crashes (but TONS of other issues) since using the sim. Didn’t think it could be related to the Comanche, not sure. Will need to bear this in mind.
I flew pretty solid with the Comanche, but the described issues can be reproduced by me using a few other third party aircraft like the Kodiak or FSR500. I guess, the reason is the by now unsolid state of the sim. Give it a few weeks, hopefully this will sort out a few things (and the third party devs need some time to adapt too).
I have to say I still get crashes, but they happen way less often than they used to, and they sometimes also happen if I haven’t loaded the Comanche at all. So I’d say the Comanche is now fine to use for me (really the only GA I do use), and I’d purchase her again in a heartbeat
So far my experience with A2A Comanche is good . I applied the 2024 Hot Fix 1.1 for MSFS2024. Though I still cannot get the TDS 750 to work in MSFS 2024 the PMS 750 works fine. The A2A EFB is a little laggy but otherwise usable. The CTD’s were always happening when fiddling with the flight plan. I find it easier to use the website planner.flightsimulator.com to create the plan, copy and paste it into Little Navmap and export it out to the PMS as an FPL.PLN. Then when at the world map just select Departure and Destination airports and starting location. Then use Load Flight Plan in the EFB to load the plan created with planner.flightsimulator.com. Then when in the flight, File plan with ATC using MSFS EFB. Then in the PMS 750 import flight plan from file. That has been working for me.
For issues with the TDS GTNXi, please contact TDS Sim Software tech support, explaining the exact problem, preferably via the Discord channel or support forum and we will help you get it working in MSFS 2024!