Anyone else getting a stutter-fest (v1.3.13.0)


Description of the issue: Incredible lag and stutters after the Beta update today.

Did you experience this issue before you joined the Beta? No. It did not occur until this evening.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue? No items in community folder.


Every flight


Free flight…upon take off its a stutter fest.


Meta Quest 3
Dof Reality H3
Turtle Beach Yoke
Turtle Beach Throttle

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it? No

[PC Only] Many issues may be due to an outdated graphics card. Please state your Graphics Card Driver Manufacturer (NVIDIA, Intel, AMD) and Version: Current DLSS 4 via DLSS swapper.

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?


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• It starts the moment I spawn into the airport. FPS of 10-15 at best, and moving around causes extreme jitter.

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Yep, have had 1 frame every 4 seconds on two different approaches in the 737 max on series x.

Same. Even with light planes.

Yes. I have really bad stuttering. Video and audio.
I was doing the gold agricultural aviation and everytime I turned my head north it would stutter really bad. Looking at the seat of the helo “sometimes” helped but not always.


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Drops from around 50 to 10-15FPS today on start of FlyInFriday, had to switch to 2020.

Before I start digging deeper I want to try to figure out if this is a beta issue or something on my system I need to troubleshoot.

In both 2020 and 2024 something I’ve never really had is stutters, my experience is almost always really fluid, especially during crucial stages of flight like takeoff and landing. I’ve always kept my settings in both software and hardware nicely tuned to deliver a lovely smooth experience with generally high frame rates.

Even beta 1 of SU1 this was the case.

After beta 2 came out I had a couple of flights over the last weekend and noticed constant hard stuttering. At the time I put it down to weekend server loads and didn’t think too much of it.
However during this week it has continued and still with beta 3 its even worse.
I’m now getting hard 1-2 second stutters in all phases, even cruise, even over the ocean and now its affecting all stages of flight.
Am I the only one or is this happening to others as well?
I am hesitant to go making lots of changes as both MSFS2020 and 2024 have been so smooth and fluid for me so far if this is a widespread issue.

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Yeah, try deactivating multiplayer and fauna in settings and see if that helps. Those two seem to hit performance really hard in

Updated title to reflect the beta version & added tags
This issue appears to affect both VR and 2D users. When responding, please remember to use the template in the first post & specify if you are a VR or 2D user.


i play on a thin gaming laptop ( zephyrus g16 2024; core ultra 9 + 4080RTX + 32 gb ram ) and the game runs ridiculously smooth.

Yep. Both those were deactivated already

Thank you. Always have multiplayer deactivated and tried with fauna off but same result.

In my case the performance is not bad all the time its mostly smooth, just these random stutters have started happening, doesn’t matter if I’m at an airport, over an ocean or desert.

Happens with default aircraft with a completely empty community folder. Vanilla sim install.

Running DLSS4.
Have had no issues with stutters or poor performance prior to SU1 beta2.

I started to wonder if it was something on my PC, so I have just completed a flight in 2020 and it ran with my normal smooth, stutter free experience so feeling more confident this is an SU1 beta problem, although the fact it’s not been widely reported makes me wonder still.

For me at least its not an issue with constant bad performance, its these random stutters that have just appeared in all phases of flight in otherwise excellent, smooth performance and its driving me nuts!

Also I don’t use VR so no idea why my topic was merged into this one. Got nothing to do with VR

I’ve found that switching to taa significantly reduces stutters for me, maybe something to do with the overridden dlss version I’ve been running. I need to try switching the dlss version back to default and seeing if it still happens

Let us know of switching dlss back to default improves things.

Yes, stutters here all over the place. I switched to TAA just as Squibby6134 suggested, but they’re still happening but just not as worse on DLSS. Prior to the latest update, the stutters weren’t nearly as bad as they are now.

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I tried TAA, tried DLSS with the default dlss file, tried again with the latest DLSS file. Stutters still occur that weren’t there before.

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Same, nothing I’ve tried has worked.
Even left the beta and now my original 2024 is still stuttering.
Doesn’t happen in 2020 otherwise I’d be convinced its a system issue but 2020 is still as smooth as it always was.
I’ve tried everything over the last few days from unplugging all my USB controllers to rolling back drivers, changing every setting under the Sun and nothing has worked.
Very frustrating.

I also have it just after I installed the latest NVIDIA driver I think.

It’s still happening for me, but it depends on the day. Last night I had over 100 FPS flying in the Caribbean on Ultra settings and it was incredible. But today the screen shakes so bad when I move my mouse that it’s literally unflyable (I don’t like to throw that term out, but it really is).

Today I dropped all the way to Medium and still had them. I’m not sure what to do since I didn’t change anything on my PC and went from incredible to awful.

Yep…its consistent but some days are worse than others.