I’m constantly drawing and making stuff. Most of it I use for my flight sims. Like my helicopter collective with interchangeable heads and my VR button box.
I’ve spent several hours designing, and drawing a compact(ish) button box that covers (almost) all the buttons, dials, and switches of the 182 steam gauge Cessna.
It would be cool if there was a swap meet section in the forums here were we could make and sell stuff to people that don’t have a way of making for themselves.
I would print, laser, and CNC this for someone but I would have no desire to wire it up. It would take 2 MEGA2560 boards and the Mobiflight freeware program to run it. I use all the same switches and stuff in my button box so there would be a complete parts list included as well.
I’d even take special requests because I really like the design process; but never seem to want to make more than a couple of something before I’m bored with it.
I wish too
It looks like his engine master 2 switch is in the off position too. Might that have been why he didn’t use AT on the way down, that switch wasn’t being used and/or was he just showing off?
I can’t see the engine dials on the MFD
Nothing like going completely off topic right from the gate.
Sorry, I thought we’re talking about stuffs for building a home cockpit. I’m just saying that if we have a build request section, It would be nice if I can request a build like in that video since I don’t think I have the resources nor the expertise to make it myself.
Exactly. While you lack the tools needed to create the custom parts, you may possess the assembly skills needed. So lets say you like my 182 button box. I could make the maker parts; then you could buy the off the shelf parts and assemble it.
Or you may have a vision for a part in your mind but can’t seem to get it right in Fusion360. You could do a rough drawing and someone could draw it up. Here’s the drawing for the 182 faceplate. I made it with LighBurn and will import it into Fusion360 to make the STL and CNC files for it. See my other post Here for pics of my original prototype that I am just finishing up completing the build on.