Skip - Even online manual, which could be updated every SW/WU update would be better than what is available now. Hmmm PMDG released 737 back in August I think, manual date is June 2022, revision is in December 2022, it can be done.
FSX-Documentation, by the hundreds of pages, I still have them stored safe, printed in most cases, but electronic as well. There is one whole "associated narrative in chapters on how to navigate starting with the most basic instruments all the way up to IFR flying, which helped me in the then 747/737 to fly hundreds of trips up and around the pacific NW.
X-Plane-10-11-12 (12’s has been ported over from 11 and is still a WIP, they have FMS manual, again, ported from 11 but WIP.
DCS-Assumed some kind of documentation, but don’t have it, and cannot for sure say there is or is not.
PMDG-737-All - 119-page introduction-explaining quirks-and how to setup all systems in plane. PLUS-Tutorial flight of 73 pages.
So there could be documentation, and someone at Asobo thinks it is necessary, just not a priority, why, simple, to create this “thing-aint really sim-to much broken-game maybe” they have to catch new users with the X-Box platform to keep the money train rolling, development costs are horrendous, yes, anyone who uses this knows it’s got to be eating up money to fix the issues, roll out new WU’s and fix the things which are broken. Just to code the “atmosphere” so the planes fly most likely 10 million dollars in equipment and time of programmers. I get this, I really do, but programmers make notes, so their work is documented, if something happens to them, or the code blows up in their face, they have to have roadmap to know where it went off rails. That notetaking could be assembled and made into a manual. If nothing else, an in-depth explanation of just the settings and what each one means and what it does, and maybe why it should or should not work in a certain instance. I could go on and on. I know many never read the manual, guess I am really out of my time at 71, as I learned to read at 3YO.
One other thing, and again, not sure it if was implemented, because I do not normally read the release notes, why, because it mostly covers planes which I do not fly. But TACAN navigation was rumored going to be “in sim”, not sure it made it, not sure it works, and would not know how to use and setup, so again, forced to watch a video on YT to figure out how to use it, setup, etc. Documentation on how it works etc., would be nice, then, can take wordage, open sim, and do the thing the documentation says to do, and do it in the plane, and see how it works.
Granted, I would bet a “shiner bock beer” at my expense that every single one of us spends 50% or more of our time, tweaking, fixing, or playing with systems to learn them rather than flying in this sim. Although, last night flew KCHS-KADW and it was perfect, now if I could only remember not to let Airspeed go below 155 KIAS upon landing, my landings would be way smoother.