Anyone else realize you could do this with the World Map?!

Never really paid much attention to the “stuff at the bottom” of the World Map screen, until today. Clicked on “Open Filters” and, my oh my, it’s a game-changer.

It has things like VORs, FIX and RNAV Positioning, Waypoints, it’s own Live Weather “Radar”, Wind Filter, and so much more.

Here’s a shot of my Map before;

And here it is after:

So glad I discovered this, because eventually I want to learn setting up Flight Plans in the planes themselves.

Anyone else use the World Map like this?


Good to hear you discovered the filter menu … exploring MSFS without documentation is quite a “Game Quest”

I think most have already discovered it, but for those who have not, your screen shots should help.


Unfortunately the filters still don’t “stick” the next time you run MSFS, was requested years ago but not dealt with.


Was wondering how someone posted a screenshot and clearly was using the world map but had weather depicted on it. Thought the person was using a separate map. Impressive and informative.

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That has been one of my only pet peeves about this sim: the lack of documentation! Having to spend so much extra time searching forums, youtube, etc. just to find " supposedly" intuitive aspects of the sim from other sources than MSFS is a bit unnecessary and frustrating. And the hover your mouse over something to get a sometime ambiguous and confusing explanation is immersion breaking.


The last time I used the filters the settings didn’t stick, though. Has that changed?

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@ CplPhokett


sim is here about 2 years and from day1 I started play with this. After to see that after sim restart all is gone (my settings) I’ve closed this option forever.


Yes, I believe they all are saved (“stick”) correctly now :+1:

However, there are still some potential setting in the saved XML that are not exposed to the UI – maybe because they are not all working correctly yet …

They’re not when I change them (Steam install), I always have to go back in and select certain things.

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Would be so useful if they did stick!

Do this at your own risk (maybe make a copy first) if you are comfortable editing text files:
There is a folder called worldmap here:
…8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore\fs-base\worldmap and look for the “WorldmapFilters.xml” file. Open that in Notepad or whatever your favourite text editor is and set what you don’t want to see to “OFF” and what you do want to “ON.”

Look for this:


And perhaps this too:


and set OFF to ON:

I usually have to re-do this after sim updates as it seems that it gets re-written.


Nice tip, thanks!

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You may also have to make the file “Read Only”, or else MSFS may overwrite it each time the Sim is started or closed.

I am sure mine is NOT read only, and all the options in the UI are getting updated & saved. ( I am MS-Store version – ) :wink:

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All - AND THIS WOULD BE KNOWN AROUND THE WORLD, IF Asobo had released a set of written instructions on how this thing is supposed to work. Not sure, but never seen video on any of those features. Thank you for showing them to us. WE NEED DOCUMENTATION and not YouTube Videos, but it falls on deaf ears. Not everything is “electronic” in nature, millions of authors publish books today ON PAPER, as people still like the warm feeling of a book in their hand.


I for one am truly tired of watching 10 minutes of video in order to get information which could have been presented in one paragraph.


And a Youtube Video, without sound, and an audio explanation, is worse than useless as “documentation”…


Nope, didn’t know there were options like that on the map. I only use the map to pick a starting spot for my flights, then get on with it.

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Well, for me, on xbox the settings don’t stick. :unamused: Unfortunate, but it’s not hard to go back and turn it on. Tedious? Yes, but it does stay until the next time you boot up the Sim.

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Since the sim is both incomplete and diverging from what it was with every update, your paper manual would be obsolete before you even got a copy of it.

A dynamic web based help would be good probably. Microsoft probably figured they didn’t need one for a $60 console game.


Exactly, this whole thing feels like a placeholder / alpha still. 2 years and zero documentation on anything nor any learning center. They could even salvage much of the very detailed and well made material from FSX.

Even Dark Souls has more instructions than this Sim…

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