Anyone Else Seeing the Caravan Exhaust Looking Like This?

I happened to be messing about with the 208 and switched to an external view and this is what I see for exhaust.

Anyone else have this?

Loaded in with the C208, same Livery, on Cloud Gaming. No repro, everything looks normal for me.

What platform are you on?


I’m on PC. In this case, my laptop which is a 1080p machine. I should see if this is happening on my desktop which is 4k.

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Weird. After a quit and relaunch of the sim, I can’t replicate this.

These sorts of little mysteries with the sim baffle me.


I’ve had a few of those myself. I’ve landed on a runway with black cracks everywhere, bounced over them like kerbs, only for them to be gone the next day when I loaded back in to resume my journey from where I landed!

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Its a weird sim glitch, it some times happens with various aircraft display smoke and heat bluring, it all balls up and seems to stick to the aircraft

I don’t have an issue like this. Everything looks as it has to be.