The 737 Max will gas light you into thinking you are doing something wrong. Fly the 787 to see how simple it is to use LNAV/VNAV.
I am on standard 2024, no 787 there. I own a Premium Deluxe 2020 with Asobo 787 but planes and scenery from 2020 did not transfer yet to my 2024 copy. I just hand-fly the 737, it is OK and fun:)))
I finally got LNAV/VNAV working again.
It seems like the 737 Max wants a SID in your route. Follow the SID on takeoff and activate LNAV/VNAV.
Or maybe they fixed it because my most recent 737 route had a SID. Usually the route starts 10 NM or so from the airport.
If MSFS 2024 did in fact fix the LNAV thank you so much!! I am quite happy about flying the MAX now.
I want to do a 2nd update. I can’t get the LNAV to work consistently, even with replacing the points on the FMS and disengaging autopilot. It may just be a pure bug.
3rd update! I was able to get LNav working on a flight by doing the following
- Removing all discontinuities (necessary per a post above)
- Turning off autopilot and turning it back on (not sure if necessary, will continue to test)
- In the FMS, press the purple “VECTORS” and click on the next point in your FMS that you want to NAV to. Hit execute, and then LNAV should take over when you cross the line
To be exact, first push the button that is beside the next waypoint after the discontinuity then push the button beside the discontinuity then EXEC.
Or you can press DEL and then the button beside the discontinuity then EXEC.
LNAV is not working today. This sucks!!!
Within the FMS, there should be a waypoint that’s highlighted in purple. Sometimes it says “VECTORS.” Select a waypoint that’s after the purple waypoint, click that, and then click the vectors waypoint. It should MODify the route, and have to hit execute. Once you do that, you can get LNAV working by doing an intercept.
For me my 737 will fly right over LNAV line unless I use HDG mode to guide it. Hand flying it doesn’t intercept LNAV line.
Have been struggling with this also:
But getting some good help. The 787 is child’s play compared to the 737.
Key to getting the VNAV to work is to make sure that relevant waypoint on the approach have the correct altitudes in them. They will if you use the flight planner. As suggested above check the LEGS and get rid of discontinuities.
The VNAV screen also needs the correct cruise altitude in it… the flight planner defaults to FL350.
Then to descent on the VNAV you need the altitude of the point to which you are descending in the altitude selector. Then it will calculate and execute the T/D time to descent and a green logo will appear on the map.
I am going to get this puppy to hunt as I am still stuck getting the ILS to work but have good instructions.
It flys at better FPS than the 787.