Anyone still flying the Bell 407’s on MSFS? Wondering if people are still interested on this chopper.
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I am. It’s my preferred scenic touring aircraft. Cruises at 140kts at sea level and then hover or land to really investigate interesting scenery.
I took it for a spin last weekend after having not touched it since it initially released and I had a pretty nice flight with it. Some of the issues at launch were addressed and I no longer need the improvement mod to fly it so that’s always a plus.
I fired mine up over the weekend and to my disappointment no digital numbers showed up on my instrument panel. I don’t know what happened. I’m on Xbox X.
This is still my fav currently available chopper because the default inside view where you can easily switch to the back right outside which is great for landing. I want to buy the Cowan SIm 206 but if the views from inside are like the 222B I’ll hold off. Its totally annoying when they set default left/right views to be with no cockpit like that.