Anyone own an Aviatek G1000?

Alright, I was going to advice you to send them an email, but you already have been doing it…that’s a shame it is taking so long :frowning: I wish you is good luck :crossed_fingers:

Hello, it doesn’t need the adapter it comes with a DVI-HDMI cable. I was waiting a little bit to answer to this post as I’m yet having issues with the plugin (I needed help with the MSFS), it was a simple process he entered my computer and did some coding and know I have all the knobs in the Cessna 172 G1000 working (and few others) but not yet the Gran Caravan (my favourite plane right now), or the new 172 that lands on the water but the good news is that they are working on a new software to fix this situations…for now when flying Caravan I use the Aviatek as a screen and some knobs (ALT/HDG) are operated by the realsimgear software.

Hi there,
I still consider it an adapter even if the cable does the adapting.
Sorry to hear that some of the knobs don’t work on all aircraft, but I’m glad they’re fixing it!


You’re right it is an adapter… and a big one, that goes beyond the structure, I don’t have a panel (nor need or want), I thought I could have the G1000 standing behind the yoke and below the monitor but it is not possible because of the cable…anyway I manage to find ergonomic place for it, where I can reach and safely press the buttons. On the good side, the quality of the product is great, so I’m very happy have bought this one🙂 Indeed another wait until they get the new update, when you receive yours everything will be working fine🙂

I purchased my G1000 from Virtual Fly and am very happy with it. But we warned about any G1000 used with MSFS. You will experience a massive FPS drop when unpopping the windows. I had to abandon G1000 in MSFS for the time being and purchased Airmanager. I am now running analog gauges on my G1000 and use its bezels to control OBS, QNH, radios etc.
If I want to fly a G1000 plane I still need to use X-Plane or P3D. Let´s hope Asobo get´s these issues sorted until Working Title will have made the G1000 better than X-Plane or Flight1Tech for P3D.
Regarding Virtual Fly: Shipped within one week and the quality is very good. Never had any issues. The yoke (Yoko) is outstanding and feels a lot like the real one. Yet it is expensive.

Aviatek released the update today​:slightly_smiling_face:, so all the knobs are working on all aircrafts that have G1000 and some (ALT/HDG/AP - VS etc) do work on G3000 (TBM). It was a great surprise as tomorrow is the 1st anniversary of MSFS20 (same for me as a simmer, well I started one month before with x-plane ):blush:

Aviatek is having a 10% off Black Friday sale on many of their products:

Yes. I have their full Mustang simulator. It’s identical to the real aircraft - amazing engineering.

Oh wow, that is incredible! Those things are not cheap. Must be an amazing thing to use!

Are you using it with the new Cockspur Mustang on MSFS?