Anyone stuck on Checking for Updates?

Just wondering - is anyone else stuck on checking for updates with the spinning circle? My Su5 update completed, I went to the content manager to grab those updates, PC blue screened and rebooted, trying to get back into the sim now to finish the extra packages and I’m stuck at checking for updates.

i did the same, finished updating both update and content, and then shut down game (i didn’t blue screen, shut down went perfectly). i did something else for around 1/2 hour, and then tried to launch and it took a few minutes, but i got in.

Interesting, I just tried logging out/in of the xbox app and rebooting. I just got a message online service are unreachable actually as I typed this but then it went away. No idea whats going on. It may look like its loading now lol. Guess well see what happens!

I think the blue screen corrupted something within the ‘OneStore’ folder. I deleted everything except aircraft and I’m not longer on checking for updates. Now I’m redownloading another 112 GB :expressionless:

Same issue here. Cannot past checking for update screen.

We posted about the same time - did you ever get anything to download? If you have the space you can try and move those folders out to a temp directory and see if you can get past the checking for updates.

Yep stuck at checking for updates. Been going on for about 40 mins now

Same issue!. Does anybody know how to solve?

Right clicked and chose “Run As Administrator”, was checking for updates for about 10 minutes then launched. Not sure if this is a fix or just lucky this time.

I just unplug my network cable and pugged it back in, wait a few minute. Seems to solve the problem

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I just unplug my network cable and pugged it back in, wait a few minute. Seems to solve the problem

Same here. No update :(. Any solution??

Came back to try again after a few hours. Now it’s no longer hanging on “checking for updates”, but it will CTD after downloading a few files.

mine just ctd after an update from steam, won’t even get to welcome screen. reistalled, verified from steam and same ctd every time. also tried to lower my overclock and still nothing

While I havent gotten in to an actual flight yet - I have had success after deleted all non aircraft folders in One Store. No CTDs, nothing hanging anywhere. I am just downloading mostly the entire sim again lol. Well see what happens.

I had the same issue. After I turned off my firewall it worked. Didn’t even have to restart the game. It just went through.

I had this issue too. Preserved my Official folder (rename it), uninstalled the game and reinstalled. :frowning:

Don’t forget to save any weather themes you want to keep! Mine are again, all gone…

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