Anyone using the Quest Pro and openxr toolkit?

I’m using the Quest Pro and openxr toolkit. So far I haven’t been able to tell that any of the openXR settings makes a difference in the quality of what I see. I’ve tried all the different upscale settings, sharpness etc., and even disabled the toolkit. Nothing that I’ve tried seems to make any difference. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, I don’t know. I’m connecting with the Oculus link cable. Some cockpits are better than others. Ones with analog instruments seem the best. The 737 glass panels are blurry unless you lean way over to look at them. As far as flying, it’s pretty smooth and not stuttering, it’s just the resolution is not what I was hoping for. I’m just confused why none of the toolkit settings seem to do anything. Is the toolkit compatible with the Quest Pro? My specs are: I910900k slightly over clocked. 3080Ti also slightly over clocked. SSD drives and 2k monitors.

I am using openXR toolkit with quest pro for foveated rendering with QP eye tracking and its working great for me. Before I had to create a developer account.

I am using air link with 200 mbps and max oculus desktop app resolution.

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Can you list the settings you are using? Thanks.

which settings you mean?

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The ones in the Oculus setup and in openxr.

I did nothing special and follow these steps for oculus Eye Tracking | OpenXR Toolkit

I have just received my “test” Quest Pro. It’s pretty swell, but it’s to replace my Reverb g2 with the hope that the pancake lenses and dynamic foveated rendering via opener? Will surpass the immersion of the G2 even tho the G2 has a better resolution. Thus far I’ve not been able to launch the VR mode of MSFS, only the same twin views my flat monitor sees. I have noticed that my mixed reality portal seems to become invoked even though the G2 headset is not initialized with head or hand movement. I’m going to disconnect the type C USB that feeds the little G2 box and try wired to the Quest Pro.
Comments? Any advice re the lack of VR in wireless mode ? I deleted the mixed reality portal, but for some reason all I get of the QP is twin images, when VR is invoked with Ctrl/tab on the PC.

Sending protective and healing vibes to all

I want to use the foveated rendering as well! Any luck ?
1.Did you have a previous VR HMD.
2. Were you able to use the included charging cable as a link cable, or did you have to buy one, and if so which one is working for you?


I haven’t tried to connect to the pc in wireless mode. I’ve only connected to my pc via the oculus link cable I bought separately. I tried out the foveated feature with openxr toolkit but I didn’t care for the distortion I was seeing in my peripheral vision. I went back and upped the resolution from the default settings in the headset graphics setup and I’m pretty happy with it now without using openxr at all. I just couldn’t get any of the openxr settings to help, so I disabled it for now. Hope you get yours working.

The charge cable you get with the headset won’t link.

Also running a quest pro (ended up buying a usb 3.0 pcie card with the usb-a headers and a usb-a to type c cable; forgot the mfg). Prior to upgrading was using a CV-1 headset (lower res, but the external tracking wands def did their job).

Other specs include an rtx 4080 (was running an amd card for the cv-1 but with dropped frames and audio flutter between the pro and the amd gpu, I ended up biting the bullet the day after christmas and bought the rtx)

Typically, I will run the occulus debug tool alongside the Occulus tray tool (edit: incorrecty noted OpenXR). There is still some tearing, jitter (which probaby could be attributed to the pro’s senstivity) and vapour trail like ghosting. The headset does cause some neck pain (although I do have on order, a headstrap from deadeyevr, to see if it reduces neck stiffness) (DeadEyeVR Quest Pro Head Strap - Add On Padded Headstrap Attachment Ac)

I don’t beileve I use the QP eye tracking

the config I have runing within the tray tool
openxr config

If you’re getting 200 Mb then you’re not using a cable; you can get 2.6 Gn, and allegedly up to a theoretical 10 Gb per second GB with the cable… My question is what are your open XR settings to make use of the QP tracking?

I’m sending protective and healing vibes to y’all.



You can’t get nearly that much with the cable. It’s not the cable bandwidth that is the limitation it’s the encoding capabilities of the headset itself. Meta officially allow you to go up to 500 mb/s, and you can unofficially go up to 960 mb/s but the Pro doesn’t really encode beyond 500. I set mine at 400 mb/s as I get audio stutters if I increase the bandwidth more than that.

Wireless encoding capability caps out at around 150 mb/s, the XR2 gen 1 chip is the weak link, it can’t process data any faster.

I can 2nd this. Going over 500 on the Pro doesn’t work well with audio. Some systems may vary but even at 300 it still looks great, not display port, but great.

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How do I enable foveated rendering in OpenXR Toolkit? I do not even see the option in the in-game HUD menu to enable foveated rendering.

Foveated rendering should appear as an option near the top of the main graphics options on the hud menu. If its available and supported on the app eye tracking should appear as an option under that. Bear in mind that for eyetracking to work, you need to activate developer mode on the headset, mobile app and pc oculus client, and also then enable Public Test channel and then eye tracking in the beta section of the PC app.


Not sure about foveated rendering with eye tracking, but Fixed Foveated Rendering (FFR) is available on the OXRTK Performance Tab halfway down - under the selection of NIS, FSR, and CAS settings.

Meta isn’t offering eye tracking by default to its users. You need to use a developer account. See instructions there:

There’s also a few more limitations, for example you cannot use eye tracking when using Virtual Desktop streaming (because neither VD nor SteamVR support eye tracking).

All of this should be on the page above.

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Thanks Brandy!
I’ve had the quest pro for a month now and sent it back because it had Wi-Fi connection problems, and I never could get dynamic foliated rendering to work properly;
although I know that it worked properly inside of the headset because of the set up and test. So now I am waiting to see if the quest three has eye tracking and if so, can I get get dynamic foliated rendering (DNR), to work in MSFS with OpenXR.


Quest 3 already confirmed to not have eye tracking, Andrew Bosworth ruled it out a couple months ago saying not possible at this price point. They are focusing more on mixed reality.