Anytime mfs2020 release an update I need to uninstall the game

Hi pilots!

Anytime MFS2020 release an update and I proceed with that I cannot run anymore the game.
It’s becoming frustrating because i cannot find a solution for that, so I have a free time and finally i decided to run flight simulator, i can finally relax flying somewhere… but i get the notification and i have to update the game, I’m crossing my fingers and ta tam! the game doesn’t run anymore, sometime i don’t get any message and sometime like recently i have got errors like this:

So I cannot find any solution for this, i restart my pc, i move my community folder, I reset the game, i check for other update maybe for other apps, nothing, I have to uninstall and reinstall the game again, wait hours for dowloading the 160gb of the game, and then once finally everything is installed i need to open the game and download other 80 gb of planes and else in the store of the game.
Then i have choose my settings like grafic or else, and finally after i have losen 12 hours all my desire to sit and fly is over!

Really I don’t understand I have losen all my interest in MSFS2020 because this, I’m a real pilot and seriously I don’t understand asobo or microsoft (i don’t know who to blame), it’s frustrating and no practical uninstall and install the game any update and lose half day for dowload the huge amount of data.

Now like always i had installed everything again and i finished now, seriously I don’t think this can’t be tolarable anymore, we all paid a lot for this game and works like the old car that you did it buy when you were young, it brokes anytime and it’s a pain in my butt.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: CTD memory could not be written

Hi there,

I am sorry to hear that you are getting that message.

This is the subcategory for the future Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. I am merging your topic into another topic about this issue in the hopes that others might be able to help with this.

Your post is here:

You may also want to log a report on Zendesk.

In the future, please feel free to post any technical issues in #gd-commsupport:tech-talk . Thank you, and best of luck!