Apparently 200% render scale in PC settings does wonders for VR performance

I noticed a slight increase in performance but clarity remained the same.

Everyone that is having luck, what are you other relevant settings under the PC category? (i.e Texture resolution, etc)

I don’t understand what/where this 3D VR hangar view is that you’re talking about. The only hangar view I’m aware of (with the animated doors, etc) is in the menu system and is displayed in VR as a large flat 2D screen hanging in a 3D space showing an infinite grid pattern.

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EVGA FTW Ultra 3080, 10850k, 32g Ram 3840x1600 2d res set to Ultra average of 50 fps.
Rift S High settings 70 Render MSFS, 1.7 SS and AWS off in OTT: FPS averages 38 in my home area of CXO.

With 2D render set to 200, VR render 100, and OTT off my FPS averages 42. Downside is my 2d drops to 20 so I have to drop my resolution to 1920x1080.

Takeaway: No major clarity wow factor, but it was slightly clearer at distance and overall a more enjoyable experience. I could more clearly make out the airport from 10 miles away and the draw distance for trees, etc was greater and seems to smooth out over distance instead of an abrupt line. The biggest plus was the 4-5 fps gain without having to run OTT. The biggest draw back was having to adjust my 2d resolution so it was playable non VR.

For sightseeing trips this is a win, for cross country flying where I use VR for takeoffs and approaches I will stick with my previous settings. Now, if they would auto drop the 2d resolution and double render scale each time I went into VR, that would be perfect.

For quest 2 users, what are you setting your resolution/refresh rate in the Quest settings?

I’ve been testing this… What I am seeing is this:

Once I put 200 Scaling in PC settings ( while in 2D ) my image becomes very sharp and quite impressive. My frames stutter and im sitting sub 15fps. If I THEN switch into VR, my performance and image is the same as if I was in 100 Scaling ( in PC settings ). In the options, it still shows 200 Scaling in PC. NOW, if I turn off VR and go back to 2D, my image and performance are as they were in 100 Scaling, but interestingly enough, it still displays 200 Scaling which I can confirm it is not. So the setting says its in 200, but I can assure you it is not.

Just tried this and I can say it works. Like my previous post, I am not seeing dramatic clarity improvement on my Rift S, wish I hadn’t returned my G2 now, but the overall experience is better with a little performance boost. I just did a short cross country @ 8500 ft, C172 steam gauges, live weather (scattered thunderstorms and way overdone lightning, please fix this!) from KCXO to KCLL. Initial 2d FPS was 20, went into VR took off and climbed to altitude, switched back to 2d and my FPS was 60. Switched to VR for the approach and with the excessive lightning, occasional cloud and some rain I was hitting a steady 38 FPS in VR. Switched back to 2d during the taxi and my FPS was 40, which is typical for my at an airport.

I can’t quite quantify the improvement, but on the approach to 35, an approach I have done many times in a real 172, it just felt right visually. Not necessarily crisper, but more natural looking. IDK, everyone views the world through a different set of lenses, but right now I am happy with it. If they can figure out why and then how to make this work in future updates, I vote yes.

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Just tried this piece of magic, got huge sweet spot gains. Can now fly airliners like GA

My system

Ryzen 5900x
64gb ram at 36000mhz
M.2 drives

And I use the reverb G2 openxr render scaled 100, and 100 in vr settings in game

Just changed flat screen setting render scale to 200 as stated in the topic.
I play on ultrawide everything ultra normally with 100 render scale, flat screen probably a thing of the past for me now though with this trick

How this has made vr so much more better I have no idea, but its truly stunning for me now

Default (1.0) and 72hz, haven’t tried other combinations yet with these new settings, they make me quite happy for now

I checked and you are right. I am wrong. I was confusing the full screen 2D pancake view flat projection with seeing it in true VR. The my hangar view is flat and just a 3D projection. I spend so much time in VR my brain just immerses and I lose the reference frames.

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Why not just turn off openxr custom renderscale abs leave the in game resolution for VR at 100. I’m on a 5900x and a 3090 and most settings in high or ultra and with this working properly it’s running smooth even in a fbw a320 in VR.

First I would ask what headset your using and have you tried getting into vr and then increasing the 2d resolution to 200%? Personally I pretty much have everything maxed in 2d since I can’t stand flying pankcake more anymore. I’m on a G2 and have a 3090 also so you may have to adjust depending on your hardware.

DOH! :woozy_face: You are, of course, absolutely right. Mea Culpa: I had 30Hz set in an OTT profile for MSFS, but 18Hz as the default ASW on the main page. Senior moment! Should have twigged to the illogic while writing. Thanks.

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So if you lower the settings in OTT to 18, the simulation can be even smoother. (?)
I don’t know why this “trick” does not work for me?
We have similar configurations: 1080Ti; 32RAm; i7 8700K + Rift S.

Oh my word! This really does work! Everything is so much more crisper and smoother! Just wow :heart_eyes::+1::ok_hand:

Specs: RTX3090, i7 9700k @4.6ghz, 32gigs ram, Reverb G2, Acer Predator XB273K 4K Monitor. Nvidia driver 466.77 + hotfix and latest Win 10 updates applied.


For those with a Quest 2 could i get your feedback on the following:

Oculus Rift Home - With the magical 200 setting i’m finding this hard to swap in and out of VR. At times, if i put my headset on, in the rift home it flashes off and on (Almost like its getting 2fps in the headset). Also, the simulator itself pretty much freezes when the headset is on when it is in 2D.

I can successfully get into VR from a fresh Start up and fly happily. its mainly when im out of VR back in 2D or or a flight has ended and i want to do another flight from the msfs menus.

This problem reminds me of what it was like when we first got VR in MSFS and the Rift home was a mess over oculink. I haven’t had problems in months and it has re appeared. either because of the 200 setting or possible Q2 or Oculus home updates.

The 2nd problem is that im now getting the dreaded white or purple translucent box appearing at the bottom half of my headset when i play. This had all but gone away for months, yet its back more frustrating than ever. Usual fix if it happens is disconnect (Link Cable) and then reconnect the Q2 to Oculus Home but as part of point 1, it pretty much becomes a slide fest and the Q2 keeps quitting back to Q2 Home.

One last question with this, for those using Q2. Do you still manually edit the Regit for Openxr to point at the Oculus json? or do you have whatever is default. Note that i am on the MSFS store version and NOT Steam version, hence would want the oculus used and not Steam json for openxr.

Thanks in advance.

Short Specs Summary:

  • 10700k / 3070 / 64gb Ram
  • OTT, 1.3, FOV .72 /.75, ASW Off
  • WIN: Gamemode off, HAGS On
  • Oculus: 72hz, 1.0
  • MSFS: VR 100, mainly Medium settings
  • Nvidia: Usual suspects , v466.77

I can’t really discern a visual difference between 18 and 30 - still smooth, when I’d expect anything under 20-24 FPS to appear like a slide show - but no. On the other hand, GPU overhead drops, as do GPU temps. Whichever setting, I aim to keep my max GPU at 65c and hot spot at max 80c.
Yes, quite similar setups: 1080ti 11Gb; i7 7700k, 32Gb 3200 RAM.

Didn’t seem to make any difference to me, I’m afraid, visually or performance.
1080ti, i9-9900k, 2D @ 1920x1080
Latest nVidia driver, Reverb G2, TAA70, OXR60

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i have a quest 2 RTX 3080 i9 10900K Oculus link ( amazon 30€ )

Before would like good quality of images, how to stop to have waves ? :rofl:

Hmmm, I lost lots of micro stutters in the cockpit (salty 747, 484) by putting instruments refresh rate too HIGH in VR and Vsync 30fps in 2D. 200 Scaling and this together make a huge difference on my system. It is butter smooth now on land and in the air.

i9 9900@5.1
TUF3080 overclocked core +200 mem +700
Samsing 49 ultrawide
WIN10 21h1
TAA 100

No difference for me.