Apparently 200% render scale in PC settings does wonders for VR performance

Maybe. But it’s our only choice, since it’s unlikely that everyone on the forum is going to come to my house to put on my HMD and see it for themselves. And it does clearly show the increased clarity. Not nearly as strongly as if people did come to my home and see for themselves, but it’s clear pictorial evidence that even Stevie Wonder can see, especially the zoomed in pics of the compass.

It does show a difference this is certain. If I understand correctly you do see the same difference exactly as-is in the HMD as well isn’t it? Or is it even better than this in the HMD or a little less?

@CptLucky8 Quite a bit better. This is as good as it gets from a taking pictures of the mirror persective is concerned, but putting on the HMD is very clear. I’m not saying it’s perfect, it has vastly improved, but it’s still not as clear as a monitor for example. Which you can also see in the pics, as I included a monitor screenie.

But with SU5, or just newer generation headsets, who knows. It’s not a question of if, just when, and who gets there first. I only hope it’s not Oculus, I cannot stand what FB is doing to the market, nor do I like the fact that you effectively don’t own your headset if FB can turn it off whenever they feel like. It belongs to Facebook, and they allow you to use it if, and only if, you stay in line. But now I’m going way off-topic.

The bottom line is that the 200 “trick” works. I don’t understand why so many are in such a hurry to discredit my results, but I welcome anyone who wants to to actually come to my house and take a look see for themselves. And if people don’t believe me, I don’t really give a hoot. I know what the truth is. Maybe after SU5 it’ll be baked in so we won’t have to discuss it any more.


It’s not that I’m trying to discredit your results, just stating that using the Mirror image as “proof” doesn’t work when the Mirror is not a true reflection of the HMD image. So no amount of zoomed in pictures that stevie wonder could see will help that, all they do is provide a chance to tell us what you see in your HMD.

The main issue here is that it’s not working for everyone, which makes it hard to comprehend exactly what is going on and whether or not it’s a Placebo or an actual visual difference.

what a lot of research here… but interesting…
but there no other ways to get images from VR than using the mirror view ?
nobody has written an app, an app hosted in the headset, that could be used to define an area in the VR view, in the headset, and then take pics or even video of this area ?
do you think that could be possible ?
then we could have more exact pics or vids of what we get inside the VR…

1 other thing made me scratching my head in the UserCfg.opt file. The difference in both Graphics and GraphicsVR section about AAA.
In AAA in 2D I have a Quality settings set to 3 and in VR it stay at 0 whatever I do. I thought about possibly the sharpness of the TAA was linked to it (that will explain the new discovered crispness) but forcing it did nothing, and it don’t stick in the VR section.

The fact is when chasing this 200% PC Render Scale benefice I’m discovering in my configuration the exact opposite : how to “corrupt” PC settings with VR settings. As my PC Render Settings fall back to the VR render settings if I switch back to 2D (does somebody can try that?) I will never benefit from this thread trick and find it’s cause. For people who see the benefit I’m nearly certain they can’t reproduce this problem (switching back to 2D monitor and the PC Render Scale has changed)…

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I think it doesn’t work for folks who have higher end GPUs, say 3080s plus or minus. Because, well, they don’t need it to work, if their experience is like the gentleman I was speaking with about it earlier. I’m pretty sure in this thread.

The only way I can think of is to try to stick your phone directly into your HMD. But I wouldn’t count on getting good pics that way. Not impossible, though, I suppose.

I just change the setting while still in 2D, right before I intend to fly in VR. Because you are right, it will just switch back all by itself. Plus it’s no good for performance if you are actually flying in 2D.

But the system is about to yell at me for making too many responses in a row, and I’m going VR simming myself.


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2070Super here so I’m far from top end, i think it’s more specific HMD software related.

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@MarcG888 Maybe. I’ve got a 2070 Super as well, great GPU. All things considered, it’s doing a yeoman’s job with VR in MSFS, but the 200 “Trick” cleared up the image significantly. For me, anyway.

In fact, I realized that, except for MSFS, my 2070S, paired with an i5-10600K, chews up and spits out everything I’ve thrown at it to date, including CP2077. With MSFS, it’s doing a good (if not great) job, and with SU5 coming that promises huge increases in visual framerates (though I’ve not seen what, if any, expectations there are for VR) that I am not in the market for another GPU just yet. Maybe a 40-series, depending on the price, whether or not I can actually get one, and how much of a performance bump it gives me in the real world. I have no use for benchmarks, they’re for posers and sales people.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against sales reps, I are one! But in my gaming life, benchmarks do not matter, only what my eyes see.



Well I’m a poser then as i do benchmarks all the time :laughing:

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Shhhh… Don’t tell people that! Tell them you’re a sales rep. I would say just not of used cars, but with the Covid caused chip shortage, they are quite popular these days.

So it switch back too.
What is your usual VR Render Scale?
And what happen, if you have some times to test, if you set it to 200 on monitor like you usually do, go VR, and then leave the sim from VR? so clicking “return to main menu” and “quit” all that inside headset.
Does the next time you launch the sim you see 200 on PC render Scale? or your usual VR Render Scale value (the latter is what happen to me)?
Obviously if you are using VR Render Scale 100 you’ll think it simply reset. Mine with 70% I can’t have any doubt and I tested other value to be sure.

@CodeLoran69 I’d need to check, but I think it is 100.

If you’re asking me what I think you are, it just quits to windows… just like I asked it to.

Don’t know. It seems completely random. That is why I check frequently. Or try to remember to, sometimes I forget.


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Hi all,

Debated on whether to start a new topic but think it is relevant here. I have an Alienware desktop, 64GB ram, i9 Intel core and a 3090GTX card. BUT I was not seeing a real impact of this render setting and was only getting 22 FPS in VR with nothing at ultra in settings. I have now disabled hardware acceleration in windows and disabled game mode as well and saw an extra 5 FPS but reading this thread this all seems slower than what I should be getting. My headset is the reverb G2

Thanks for any suggestions


That’s a really long reply I post here, not from me. I strongly suggest to read the first post completely. Even if you don’t have the same GPU than the author, you’ll have all the base and much more:


@JoshBear forget what fps you’re getting. Just go by what your eyes are telling you. If they say it’s a problem, then it’s a problem. If not, not.


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Thanks Both. I went back and reset the nvidia control panel to default. Then followed the post suggested above. I also disabled most of the items in the VR menu that appears in the game. Net result, now running at 30 - 32 FPS. Good enough for now.

Of course MSFS being a slight pain as in VR my mouse wheel is moving the external cam up and down not zooming in and OUT! I did not change any settings. Now off to fix that :open_mouth:


Please don’t hesitate to share your findings in a new topic if you manage to restore zoom function to mouse wheel in VR external or internal view. I didn’t spend much time on this one but I doubt it is possible. I’d be please if there is a solution!