Apple Vision Pro?

Anyone know if it will be possible to use Apple Vision Pro with MSFS?

It hasn’t been released yet. I doubt even Steve Jobs knows.


I doubt it :slight_smile:
It’s Apple lol

Also, excuse me but, say what?!?:

Apple’s Vision Pro starts at $3,499

And it’s augmented reality, not VR?

I don’t know anything about it - just asking. No doubt it will be slick at what it does, but that price is mental!


Its augmented reality, AR and VR, but not clear if it only works for apps specifically developed for it, which might be the case.
Very high end pixel count though and it looks more comfortable than other headsets I’ve used so if it could work, I’d still like to know.


I don’t think he knows much these days anyways


Screens and lenses looks insane. I really, really, hope FS will never work on this! I really dont want to spend $3500! :slight_smile:


It’s not a VR, it’s a portable large screen for over sized people who can’t move to go to a cinema.


Apple develops Hololens 7 years after Microsoft. Sounds familiar. iPhone X with facial recognition years after Microsoft does it with the Lumia 950 :joy:


Full specs are yet to be released, but it seems it has two 4K displays, one for each eye, which would translate as 3840 x 2160, so likely a wider 16:9 FOV but less pixels per degree than a Pimax Crystal at 2880 x 2880? Whatever, no mention of it working with Windows PCs or any display port connectivity, although a gigabit connection may make that point moot.

Still, unlikely to be the best VR headset for MSFS, especially given the usual high Apple price.

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Forget about this toy for the happy few, you can buy 4 dedicated PC VR headsets for the price of one of these expensive devices.
And it’s Apple, so it will be part of their (closed) ecosystem only.


Apple is all about its closed eco-system. It is not likely to support anything outside its own apple app store or apple connectivity.

I think the best thing you can hope for is that some of the technology creeps into other PCVR devices (if its at all useful and not tied up with patents - which is equally unlikely).

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If this thing has OpenXR drivers for Windows, I will eat my Reverb G2 manual.

Not gonna happen. And even if it did, $3.5K so people can see your eyes rendered in creepy dead OLED?

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I am certain that it will not.
AR not VR. Apple is garbage for gaming.


Pimax should have wider fov and better resolution (and it’s a VR)

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Even if the new Apple offering might not be usable for MSFS, which has yet to be decided, it’d be brave to underestimate the impact of its arrival.

Like them or like them not, Apple does appear to have the ability to prompt the development of new markets and although this device will be well out of the price range of the mass market, me definitely included, similar could probably be said of the original iPhone.

Although not all completely new, the improved features, like handtracking, foveated rendering etc, that are included in the Vision Pro will certainly be more likely to appear in future VR headsets and competition, which is always good for consumers, is hopefully going to increase, bringing prices into a more affordable bracket. Apple themselves might even introduce a “lite” version at some point in the future.

In short, I’m very happy to see this release, even though I am very very unlikely to buy one.


sssst :shushing_face:, xplane works (very good) on mac (I think even build on mac)

It is “Today” – as were the prices of the early Mobile Phones (Bag Phones), but there will always be “early adapters”, and in the future, the prices should drop dramatically 
 they are just Screens with a little electronics – just like customized Cell Phones.

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You mean like this?


Or you meant “adOpter”? :stuck_out_tongue:

(Sorry mate!!) :wink:


You cannot play the ‘iPhone’ card in this case. Everyone NEEDS phones. A very slim amount of people will need this overpriced toy.

They’ll be lucky to sell 100k of these things and the ones buying them will be Apple fanboys and businesses that can write the entire thing off.

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I have to admit that they probably won’t sell many of these and the product will eventually probably die unless it gets much less expensive in the future.
If it worked with MSFS they would probably get at least some sales from enthusiasts like me. If it is limited to its own ecosystem of apps, it has zero appeal to me, and hard to imagine very many people with reason enough to justify buying it at that kind of price.