Hi all, as a new pilot i have a question.
Looking at videos i see approach speeds of 180, landing speeds of 145, etc. In the videos the speedbug is set to the wanted speed, but not armed (speed button not pushed). Do you set this speed knob just as a reminder for the speed you want or does the autopilot use the speed you set also when the button is not pressed?
I‘m no expert either but as I understood it during descent and approach the speed bug only serves as a reminder, while during climb with speed mode activated the AP adjusts the pitch so that the plane maintains the set speed.
The CRJ does NOT have an autothrottle, so the speedbug setting is just set as a target for the pilot to achieve via manual inputs. An advisory system if you like.
The Speed knob is mainly used when climbing and the pitch of the aircraft will be adjusted automatically to maintain the set speed, wherever possible, until the target altitude is reached. For this mode, the throttle levers will normally be in the climb detent and hence set at a constant thrust, with no autothrottle adjustment.
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As pointed out above no Auto Throttle so you have to manage your descent carefully monitoring speed as you go. So you set a descent rate using the vertical speed mode then manually adjust your throttle to attain a desired indicated airspeed, setting the speed bug on the PFD as a visual aid. You have the advisory VNAV that can help with that process and planning. A problem will arise if you end up with the throttle at idle and a descent angle too steep for the speed you want to be at, in that case you have two choices use the speed brake, which I believe they only use sparingly and as a last resort or you reduce your angle of descent using the VS dial, so important to stay ahead of the aircraft.
Once on final you can set the speed bug to VREF via the EFB, then use that as a visual aid and manage the approach speed with a combination of throttle and pitch, you would normally aim for VREF + 5 - 10 knots depending on the wind conditions.