If flights are landing to the east at KORD, ATC assigns a GIBNS (Fix/Waypoint) approach transition. If flights land to the west, a VOGLR transition is assigned. ATC also specifies which of the several possible runways to use, and the plane is guided straight-in for a nice ILS landing.
I just started using simBrief today for many reasons, including that they consider wind direction when assigning take-off and landing runways. My problem is that none of the possible routes mimic either the GIBNS or VOGLR transitions, so ATC requires that I create such an approach transition in the air. Obviously this defeats the purpose of using simBrief.
FYI, I did try to add the VOGLR/GIBNS waypoints using the Route Finder feature, but that resulted in really bizarre flight path revisions. I was hoping someone could tell me how I can create an approach transition for a straight-in ILS landing that ATC would accept? Any help you can provide will be most appreciated.