In the developer stream, all they really said about the broken snow system was “we’ll look at this in future” and “we’ll get back to you early next year on this.”. That’s not addressing the issue, that’s pushing it down the road, and we’re quickly leaving early 2023 for mid 2023 without any more updates on the issue.
IMO a brief acknowledging of the issue 6 months ago doesn’t mean it’s not being ignored.
The marketplace continues to be clogged. There are a few prioritized developers who can release content and almost nothing else. I do think there needs to be changes to how this process is handled, because the current method doesn’t lead anywhere. Last week was promising with 50+ packs released, now we’re back to half of that. A lot of content has been in the queue for more than half a year now. This is unacceptable procedure and needs to change.
Well, I prefer facts. Neither terrain tile issue nor snow coverage is mentioned in any official docs or dev updates. Which I consider being ignored. For me, this bug-logged tag is just to calm down users or in other words: pointless. But that is just the personal impression I gained in the last two years regarding bug-logged bugs…
That’s not how it works, priorities are dictated by a lot of variables where what the community votes on is just one of them. Severity, time/effort, issue relations, resources etc all play in.
Severity means that if there are critical issue that causes crashes or the sim not to load etc they would get priority, obviously they need to be able to replicate and find a solution etc. They’ve said in multiple Q&A’s that these kind of issues are priority.
Obviously the time and effort and what resources are available will play in, all needs to be in relation how working on this affects rest of the sim etc
Last but not least, what people (as in us, the users) think is important is very subjective. I respect that these two things are most important to you, but if you ask 1000 other simmers they will give a vast range of replies.
When something ‘don’t make the list’ over and over, then it is being ignored. Logged or not, when is not fixed nor attempting to be fixed, then it is being ignored.
Totally correct, that is why I wrote “in my opinion”, and I am aware that DX12 has still beta status and such. Yet if you check the wishlist and buglist, there are items listed and marked as “planned” or even already dedicated for WU13 to be solved that do absolutely NOT fit your description. But they got more votes…
The items included in the Feedback Snapshot are the top 24 most upvoted bugs by players (like you!) here on the forum. These are not the only bugs the developers are actively working to resolve, and the Feedback Snapshot is one of several different input sources the team uses when determining how to prioritize their work. Just because an item is not one of the top 24 upvoted by the community, it doesn’t mean it is being ignored by the dev team. Indeed, Sim Update 12 from last month contained over 450 bug fixes and improvements, many of which never appeared among the top upvoted issues on the Feedback Snapshot.
Is the team working to fix photogrammetry bridges only or terrain textures as well? At one point when sim update 12 was in beta, terrain textures and city lights at night looked beautiful on the XBOX. Should I be expecting from the team to restore LOD in the future or just the bridges?
I learned that by buying custom planes directly from the developers, not the MS store, you have better access to updates, that is the case with the Piper Arrow III from Just Flight, you also get instant support or explanations.
Really disappointed the snow issue is totally ignored. Joerg mentioned it last year in a Q&A, but nothing is done about it since then. This completley ruins the experience, especially since I fly most of the time in Switzerland and Austria. If we could at least switch all the snow off manually.
Many developers today who sell Marketplace only and Various Store Channels have Discords - complete with ticketing systems that enable the user to track their inquiry progress in real-time. If they have enough staff to “Follow-The-Sun” in terms of time zone coverage, it’s entirely possible to always have an answer in near real-time. Examples that I personally own or am a Beta Tester for: FSReborn, Sim Works Studios, Flight Sim Studios, India Fox Echo, Flight FX.
Even freeware / payware utility providers have Discords with ticketing systems - PMS50 (maker of the GTN750), JayDee, GotFriends are just an example.
The snow issue was brought up in November’s stream. They only have quarterly sync-ups with the data provider, and I think it stands to reason that with the holidays coming up at that time of the Q&A, that sync-up probably did not happen until Q1 2023 (just a guess on my part).
I’ve never seen any code or architectural/integration documents for this sim, but I’ve done many integrations in my career in software. When you change something like the source data, there may be additional architectural considerations and possibly a re-mapping of the data and even new code to consume the data. These things sometimes take time.
According to the March developer stream, they are doing something on the order of 10,000 bridges.
In a previous stream, something was said about not doing every single bridge. And by that, they meant – and these are my words, not theirs: Don’t expect that little overpass by your house to be done.
But, 10,000 still sounds like a lot. Maybe with iteration n of the World Hub, people might be able to fix the overpass by their house.
I would imagine that if the scenery gateway were in production, a lot would be replaced by hand crafted representations.
I doubt many of us end users have access to PG hardware/software, and for those who are the most critical of PG, I suspect they’d find out quite quickly it’s not as easy as they think.