April 20, 2023 Development Update Blog Discussion

Check out the latest Development Update here:

Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!


I think the next blog update date at the bottom needs to be updated.

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Thanks, fixed.


Amazing screenshot featured on the blog post!


I guess I’ll have to E-mail Carenado for the change log on the 170. The 337 notes were updated in their Catalog but not the 170. Unless the Marketplace entry has it.

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It’s listed in the Marketplace version:

  • Switched to MS pilot avatars for broader selection
  • Improved engine startup and heat effects
  • Added new liveries
  • Fixed VR cockpit focus and VR handling grip
  • Other minor bug fixes

Isn’t the roadmap a little like looking in the rear view mirror?


Thanks for the lookup!


AStar and the North Sea dropping on 4/20? Thank you for this gift. :blush:

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Does any one know what started (bridges) * mean.

One fix needed are many bridges are incomplete, they don’t connect at one end to land.


Missing the Updates for the Pipers from Justflight… :confused:


One of the upcoming city updates is dedicated to bridges all over the world?

It’s nice seeing that there are some things in this WU that I would classify as more like bug fixes than what I thought were WU’s. WASM fixes. Windsock fixes. Package order fixes. That’s good to see.

I’m still rather disheartened to see the lost ATC voices bug still listed as fixed. :cry:


Also missing the actual pipers for those of us on xbox :joy:

Hopefully next week…

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@OracularTripod7 , @MellowGold64932 ,

The team is hand-fixing photogrammetry bridges around the world so that they are not solid underneath.

To my knowledge, the format in which these fixes will be pushed has not been publicly stated, i.e. via city update or by world update, whether it will be done piece-by-piece or in a lump.


It’s not uncommon to add “world-type” bug fixes (i.e., airports and scenery) in world updates, but I know what you mean: The stuff you’d typically see in a sim update. My guess is that since the next sim update is so far away, they’re packaging a handful of “ready to go” items in with the world update.


What happened with May-July roadmap detail planned for early April?


Extremely frustrating that the two main show stopper in my case, the DX12 terrain tile bug and the ridiculous snow coverage do not have enough votes to end up on those bug or wishlist lists. It seems to me that only those things get real attention, everything else is ignored… what a bummer and what a mistery to me that those two things do not get more votes…

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It’s not ignored. It’s just not on the list. The terrain tile bug is tagged #bug-logged, which means that the team has reproduced the issue. The snow coverage issue was addressed in the November developer stream.

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