Is there any way to rotate an apron texture to a specific decimal degree like for example: 275.5?
I tried following this guide: [GUIDE] How to rotate apron texture with decimal numbers - Archives / SDK Archive - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums, but when I load the project again, it resets to the nearest integer.
You can rotate but not sure you can to a decimal degree. You can try it in the box for texture rotation and see if it takes that. Though out of curiosity, why do you have to be so precise by .5 degree ? What you could do is align all your adjoining textures to the same degree and it should look good enough without any obvious mismatch.
Though out of curiosity, why do you have to be so precise by .5 degree ?
I can’t align some custom marking to the runway. The runway can be rotated by decimals, but if the markings can’t be aligned by decimals, it will look strange. It’s the same with the Turning Pads, and I guess more other things.
I hate those sliders for just that reason, and wish they also added an ability to edit the text directly. Even if you don’t care about the decimal, sliding to the exact value you want is so hard.
You can edit the value in the xml file you’re using to define your airport. If you’re using the scenery editor, you can edit the file, then load the asset again.