Are cloud bases in new METAR system in AGL or MSL?

Yeah clouds not only look unnatural due to their false lighting engine techniques, (they look fake and very grey like volcanic ash and we have a discussion for this issue here: , and here we can vote so Asobo sees it eventually ) but after the most recent update the variety of cloud types in the sim is non-existent !

I found out during my flights , that in this update there are no stratus layers anywhere in the world. All I saw were some cirrus and a chaotic mixture of cumulus clouds with deformation noise that makes no sense (even oldie FSX was better in it’s chaotic “preset” nature). The only way to create an immersive realistic scene right now, is by making your own weather in the weather menu. Such a shame! Cloud formations in live weather simply don’t follow any rules of meteorology, or any well known type of cloud right now. It’s a complete destruction of even the slightest weather immersion, arguably one of the most important features in the sim.