Are you guys an General Aviation or Airliners type of person or both?

Hi there, Just curious what type of Flying do you guys like to do, GA or Airliners? Any information is greatly appreciated. TIA

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GA right now, building my hours and skills through the line up working my way to airliners.

Finally in first jet, CJ4!


I’m both :slight_smile: I’m flying the PMDG 737 right now. Also have the Fenix A320. Then i like to fly the Milviz 310. All of those are amazing :slight_smile: It’s hard to choose sometimes :rofl:


Single engine prop GA mostly (and Warbird), with a light amount of light GA Twin

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I’ve been enjoying flying the little regional airliners a lot and occasionally a little low flying in the icon so a little bit of both until I pick up the warrior II because I’ve been really enjoying the just flight BAE 146 a lot


I’m not stalking you, your title got my attention. I’m currently flying little nav map development for your other post.

The just flight Turbo Arrow was my first favorite 3rd party airplane, the textures in the cockpit are awesome. I flew that all the time until I got the PMDG DC-6. Then I flew the DC-6 constantly until I talked myself into trying the CRJ 500/700/900 and 1000. I enjoyed the speed and getting some miles under my wings in quick order. I flew the modern airliners for a while. Seems I took a break from flight sims for s few weeks or months, then came back with the cessna 414, which I loved the old twin, soon replaced by the 310r. The ownership, wear and tear, and sense of responsibility for the 310 added to my enjoyment. I actually posted somewhere that sometimes when I don’t have time to fly anywhere, I go to the airport to wash my plane and clean the sparkplugs. so, I’m currently enjoying all the twins, especially the 310.

While I fly both ga and airliners, I enjoy the older planes. I like Props. I think about the 737 or the Md 82 once in a while, but I’m holding on to some money for the next great thing.


General aviation, I used to do commercial quite a lot back in the day but became pretty bored with it. General aviation on VATSIM is a lot of fun.


Personal Comments:

I probably fly 80% tube liners (PMDG 737 & Fenix A320) with the remainder split between the TBM 930, Cirrus SR22, and C-172 G1000.

There is truly something for everyone. Enjoy!


Ever since I’ve jumped on the VR train, I now fly mostly GA. Also found that OnAir is perfect for GA (though I hate the subscription nonsense) but I have also tried A Pilot’s life II which is nicely suited for airliners (but that’s another topic altogether).

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GA…I love the scenery!


I’m an airliner guy, and the past few months has been amazing with some of the fantastic releases, and also looking forward to what is coming out.

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I fly primarily GA VFR, either on manual or with limited autopilot like using the HDG knob & altitude hold mode only; I like being lower & slower and watching the scenery and the charts to help me stay on course! :wink:

It’s a different kind of flying from IFR, whether you’re in a small or large plane; you have more freedom to zip around, but if you’re trying to “keep it realistic” you have to pay attention to the airspaces you’re flying in/out/through too! I’ve had a few near misses with live traffic airliners when I took shortcuts, and you bet I double-checked my charts the next time. :wink:

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Airbus Airliner on IFR flights exclusively. I only fly the FBW A32NX or the Headwind A330-900neo aircraft in the sim. I can fly them to any airports with full procedures from cold and dark to cold and dark as long as the runway fits, and I know how to program the flight computer so it can fly the way I want it to.

But put me in a GA with VFR, and I can guarantee you I’ll crash the plane in 10 seconds… lol. But I don’t have the interest in flying GA. It’s too small, and too “analog” for my taste.

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I fly GA aircraft almost exclusively, though the PMDG DC-6 consumed about four months of my flight hours when first released. The DC-6 is a very, very well done model and immensely satisfying to fly.

The MilViz C310R is my current favorite when I want to fly somewhere within a 500 mile radius of my “home port.” It is fast and well equipped, and ability to set “Ownership” gives the Twin Cessna a unique spot in my virtual hangar. The C414AW is my “go to” for true cross-country travel; it flies higher and faster than the C310 and has a pressurized cabin. It is a very nice model. For “local” hops of 200-250 miles I often fly the C337H Skymaster. It is a fun - albeit simple - model that I particularly enjoy.

For just Bopping Around my two current favorites are the Simworks Studios RV-14A and a new release by FSReborn, the Sting S4. Both are great fun in VR, and handle like a little British sports car. (Someone on the forum compared the S4 to a Mazda Miata.)

With the latest update, the Simworks Studios Kodiak II has gotten even better. Low speed performance is outstanding and much improved, making STOL landings super fun. I’ve been flying that model again quite a bit.

Honorable mention must go to the collection of Piper PA28s that Just Flight has produced. Though I haven’t been flying them as much, they are all excellent models. (My personal favorite is the Turbo Arrow III.)

Most flights are done VFR in the daytime under CAVOK conditions. IFR is fun, but I have to be in the mood for it and select the correct aircraft. (The Kodiak II is great for IFR.)



Love my old school 172 but I also love the old airliners from jets back into early pressurized flight,
DC 3, the Constellation and Stratocruiser just great classics but I want them to be great to use as well.

Really enjoying the MD-82 I kinda feel meh about buying the Twin Otter.

Anything old. I would fly a 1930’s blimp or even drive a steam train if they were available.


When they merge in MS Train Simulator expansion you’ll be fine, I’m just hoping the get they water and wind right for the MS Sail expansion MS Road to drive anywhere in the world will probably be last unless they go all out and do MS Deep Sea before they start MS Space


I am really looking forward to the study level Tea Clippers like the Cutty Sark, Ariel or Taeping.


And there will be complaints of unrealistic speeds tacking under sail with a Paddle Steamer.