So a dude on facebook posted these sim vs reality pics in a msfs group. I am absolutely gobsmacked by these…
that’s very well done. The resemblance is really very impressive.
I’m especially impressed by the faithful recreation of the real life photos. Must’ve taken him a while to get those three pics exactly right in the simulator.
Woah that’s the best one yet. I’ve had similar experiences, the first time I installed and ran FS2020, I made a screenshot, added a little bit of a grade, some grain and blur in photoshop and posted it on IG. I got probably about 6 DM’s asking where I was and if I was getting my PPL. I don’t think anyone questioned if it was real or not it looked that convincing.
how did you manage to place your plane in that exact position? slew mode?
Most likely
Waiting for Asobo to add some nice rt reflections to the sim especially under the plane wings and water.
Even if so many folks here are having complaints… if Microsobo keep up the pace… Imagine where we are in 9 years with more powerful PC’s, improved maps, much more photogrammetry… better VR headsets, maybe speech recognition (ATC,copilot,inputs)…
Man, i love this technological playground…
Is it possible to reduce the movement in slew mode?
Maybe a proper joystick setup?
If I use the keyboard, each press moves me about 1/8 of mile, which is a major pain in the butt.
Do yourself a favor and buy an xbox controller. They’re pretty cheap and they make camera/slewing controls soooo much easier. You’ll love it - trust me
These are easily some of best seen yet. Maybe one or two of the video comparisons just as the closeness on in game vs real life landing was so close the whole way but these photos are amazing and I bet if showed to any of my family they wouldn’t know which were real and which were from the game.
Thanks for sharing these with us!
I actually have one… Pre Covid I used to travel a lot, and kept a copy of FSX on my work laptop and used it for flying. Sadly, I don’t picture putting MSFS on my work computer, I think it will take too much space. We’ll see.
I’ll try it out for slewing. Thanks.
Yes, in the camera options
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