- display lights are too bright
- Radio painel lights are too dim
- It’s written “ELECT” instead of “ELEC” on the recall button
- Can’t set the Fuel/Payload/CG properly in the FMC
- Flaps move way too fast
- Flight model is way off
- Airplane dives on descent if we arm the spoilers
- Airplane decelerates like there’s no drag
- Incorrect pitch on takeoff
- Trim too sensitive
- Pretty unstable on landing even the autopilot can’t control the airplane
That’s a pretty good summary. Apart from all of that, the broken transponder, the hit and miss VNAV and the nosegear that breaks during towing, it’s a great aircraft
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It definitely is, it just needs some tweaking to make it enjoyable. I also had some problems with performance but Idk if it is due to streaming