Asobo 737-max

    • can’t get the 737 max to fly the flight plan and it is bobbing like a porpoise when i do get it Airbourne. Anyy suggestion would be helpful. Thanks.

Moved to User Support Hub for community assistance.

To fly the flight plan you need to make sure that it’s active on your 737’s computer and the next waypoint is correct. Then you switch on FD + HDG + LNAV + CMD. Once it catches the route it will disconnect HDG automatically.
Regarding bobbling, it happens when you fly faster than ~270 kts. It’s a problem of the Asobo 737 that it’s trimmer is not working good. So it starts bobbling when you fly too fast (even without exceeding speed limit) or if you use 4x sim rate at any flight speed.

It needs setting up pre flight much like the PMDG 737 does. It is prone to a bit of porpoising but usually on approach if you use autothrottle to maintain g/s. It is also a bit unstable at higher sim rates. If its more than that then it just needs setting up correctly in the FMC and MCP ahead of takeoff. If you need a quick start I have one available. I have posted links to it on other 737 threads.

I get this same porpoising in MSFS 2020 with the PMDG 737-800. The 700 model flies like a dream. But after trying to get help on this issue and not getting any I have shelved the 800. I see plenty of people having the issue but no solutions. Maybe the issue lies with MSFS (both versions).