Asobo A320neo screens do not work - even after deletion & reinstallation. (Not Inibuilds, its the Asobo 320)

Hi friends,

Could you advise me please. My favorite airliner to fly is the Asobo A320neo. However, since the most recent update the screens have stopped working.

  1. All relevant systems are on, engines are running.
  2. I have tested by loading other Asobo planes. For example the 787 screens are fine.
  3. Tested on default Asobo (Airbus house colors) livery, not a 3rd party livery
  4. Windows 10 Pro, all updates, latest nVidia driver updates
  5. Deleted the plane and reinstalled - no luck


Any ideas friends? I miss A320neo flights.

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Are you having that issue with the Asobo A320 or with the Inibuilds one A320 (v2) ?

Screenshot (934)

Hi, good point I should have specified. I have edited my post thank you!

Actually this confused me , I was like ā€œWhy am I seeing 2 A320neo models?ā€ So i got rid of the Inibuilds one.

The problem therefore is with the Asobo plane - which I have flown for hundreds of hours and this is the first time I have encountered this issue.

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Do you have any addons installed ?. Have you tried with your community folder empty ?

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Thank you for this reminder - its something I keep telling others but forgot to do it myself. Iā€™m eating humble pie now :face_exhaling:

I fixed it! :smiley: The culprit was a tiny mod that tweaked the display fonts on the screens. As soon as I spotted it in Addons Linker I had a hunch that was the cause.

Hope this helps another user who comes across the same issue! Thanks for your help @DementedCorn327

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Glad you found the issue, happy flights :slight_smile: !

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