Asobo and Microsoft, please delay the UK update and stop giving public deadlines for updates!

In all fairness, the developers are French and their offices are in France. While they are likely closed at the moment, it’s highly likely the dev team are still French/based in France. It isn’t all that hard to work out the ‘Time zone’.

Highly likely ? We’re talking files not people. Multiple time zones. Automatic update triggers on local PC’s using a date promise, Local office times at the source (France) are irrelevant. MS has distribution people and data centers everywhere on this planet. It can set the trigger on different time points to spread the total download. Downloads could originate from anywhere, preferably some place near.

Tuesday 16th, that is all we were told. The downloads may even be spread over 48 hours not 24… in that case the update reached Japan ca 12 hours ago, it would have started 0:00 hrs in Japan. Suppose in LA the update will arrive 23:59, still on the Californian tuesday, that is 36 hours from now, because there is 11 hours American Eastern time to add. Microsoft can put the trigger on any time it likes, for any place ! The files will reach your instance of MSFS2020 somewhere within your 24 hours, because the update is promised to you on Tuesday. So the update may already be happening at this moment, without visible complaints. We don’t know that, until someone puts a complaint on zendesk, this forum, the steam site or wherever. Good sign that nothing is visible yet. Google it…

Or twitter it…

The only proper translator is DeepL Translate. Forget Google or Bing translator.

No Indonesian language… that’s disappointing…

relevant is actually always UTC is in the Sim also so

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If communication is so good, what I would have liked from the team is to be notified that “we have made significant changes to how the Bing server work. Please be on the look out for any issues that may occur.

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hahaha yeah sure mr Tech Insider is going to fly a Neo320 to the data center to get the files… ok :rofl:

Gotta work today… so I’ll look at this forum first… before starting the game tonight ! poor guinea pigs…

this is a good choice I do not think that today comes an update. as long as the problem with the Bing data exists

if you have bad internett you can also order the update via flopy disk


So far so good :stuck_out_tongue: tried the shop first, then started the game to check. Shows a nice city and then start gigs download. AND a pause button… So far so good (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :pleading_face:)

i had the update installed in 1 hour.
but the servers are still overloaded it comes in the game again and again to server interruptions

Please direct your discussions for today’s update to this topic - Discussion: World Update III: United Kingdom

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