Assistance on bindings with Orb Weaver keyboard

Hi, I’m brand new to MSFS after using FSX, P3D, and XP for a long time. This sim is magnificent. But I’m having some teething problems and so many questions.

I use an Orb Weaver keyboard and I don’t understand how to program it in the sim.
I still don’t understand how to bind keyboard commands to the flight controls.

Also, all my flight controls are Virtual Fly, the Yoko Yoke, TQ6, and Ruddo pedals, plus one Saitek TPM. Would it be better to use the VFHUB.exe or MSFS FSUIPC with them?

Is it possible to place a helicopter at a certain Lat/Long?

How does the World map work, it’s the V key, I can’t seem to get it to work.

Any help will be very much appreciated and many thanks.


Doesn’t it just replicate key presses as if it’s a normal full-size keyboard?

Does it show up as a separate device in Options > Control Settings?

Try editing a control that you want and in the popup click on the top field, then the key you want. Does it detect it?

Same question. Don’t they all just show up along the top carousel in Control Settings? Might need specific drivers for them.

Should be. You can copy and paste coordinates from Google maps into the MSFS pre flight map view.

You mean the VFR map in flight? It should pop up a resizeable window. You not getting that? Takes a few seconds to appear after first click sometimes. What if you click the icon / button in the top toolbar instead? Is the button there (map icon)? If not check in the cog icon if VFR Map is enabled.

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Hi, I wonder why I didn’t get an email notification of your reply but I’m glad I logged in and saw this just now.

The Orb Weaver must first be programmed with key bindings with its own app then after I did that I got it to work on only one thing, F11. Not at the PC right now, but I’ll look in Options > Settings, do you mean Windows Settings?

I don’t even know what the carousel is sadly. I’m that new to this.

I didn’t know there even was a pre-flight map view. I’ll have to try to get to this view.

Thanks about the VFR map, I was only using that as an example of a test with the Orb Weaver. I have a lot to learn about assigning/reassigning keyboard commands.

I appreciate your help!

Think they are only sent once a day, not instantly.

No I mean in the game — along the top of Controls setup screen (that’s what I call the carousel). Where it says KEYBOARD | MOUSE | CONTROLLER etc. any other devices it detects on USB appear here as new buttons on the carousel.

How have you managed to start a flight then? I meant the globe. But I think you were talking about during flight?

No problem. I don’t use the peripherals you mentioned but hope it’s of some help anyway!? :slight_smile:

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