Astonishing Live Weather in the UK

Its a little wild here in the UK today and MSFS with live weather is reflecting those meteorological conditions quite nicely.


Caught quite a bit of it out of EGPF this morning in the 737,very atmospheric, multi layered too! There was a clear layer from FL120->FL140 before another cloud layer and then above FL180 it cleared. Love seeing the autumnal weather appearing while in the sim.


Hopefully it keeps up as later when I finish work, I want to fly the ATR to EGNS. Sick bags at the ready. :laughing:


Looks, from some of those screenshots, like a volcano may have erupted somewhere?

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No, it’s just been really rainy and stormy today in the UK… We don’t get anything as exciting as volcanoes over here!

(Just as an aside - I’m writing this on my phone, and autocorrect changed “volcanoes” to “chickens”!!!)



Moving across to the Netherlands…

To see the weather right now IRL at Heathrow, check out BigJets TV on YouTube. He’s streaming live from 27L. Crazy weather!

I had some nice weather flying over England this morning!
(Sorry for the lousy image. I’m still trying to get my JXR ==> JPG conversions to look better.)

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