ATC Callsign not using ICAO Alphabet

When I do a flight and edit the callsign an Reg to something like D-EGFN, ATC reads the callsign instead of saying Delta echo golf November. For the AI traffic ATC is doing it right, and also if I have the standard callsign. Makes no difference if I type it “D-EGFN” or “DEGFN”.
Is that a known bug and is there some workaround?
Plane is the c172g1000

I use “G-EHOB”, and for me it reads that as “GOLF…pause…ECHO HOTEL OSCAR BRAVO”. I don’t know why the hyphen makes it pause like that.

So you put the callsign including the"" into the box? I have done so far without

Not the quotes, just the text. Are you using Azure TTS services, or offline?

Azure / online
It sounds like
de e gee ef en

No one with a solution?

Apparently not, but my sim certainly do that.

Assuming this was not some form of outage at the MS end, it must be something in your sim doing this.

I never tinkered with any of the settings on mine, with regards to data, and just left everything on as default.

When I fire up the sim later I will try to remember to take some screenshots of those settings, as well as the screen where I entered my tail number.

In Windows: in Language–> Speech English (US)
in Windows display language (yours)
in Preferred languages: language package should be installed and preferred language on top of the list.
This is what you get: STACK

ATC is using your CALLSIGN & flight number as in the MCDU

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Hope that helps

Seems to make no difference.

Your preferred language is not English …

Okay so English has to be number one. Will try again

Under preferred language i put English in the first place, no difference!