Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons?
Brief description of the issue:
On the last few days ATC doesn’t allow me to decend if i approach to the airport. Atc guides me to cruise level (fl390), but at tod level i ask to decend, but atc doesn’t answer. When i’m forcing to decend by lowering my altitude, atc ask me to climb to my cruise level. Even if i give the right altitudes on my Flight plan, it doesn’t ask me to decend. When i’m approaching the airport and i’m still 5/10 nm away it keeps asking to climb to my cruise level(fl390). Even if atc allows me to land or approach, it says that i need to climb to my cruise level(fl390). I’m i doing something wrong?
I use:
FBW a32x (tried stable and experimental version)
Navigraph & Simbrief for flight planning. Altitudes are visible in the mcdu so that’s not the issue.
I tried also loading the flightplan while in the world mape by load/save. ATC guides me perfectly to cruise level but not allowing me to decend. Until landing atc ask me to climb to cruise level. If i check the navlog, i see the altitudes perfectly before starting the flight. Also tried not loading the fligtplan to the worldmap, but it gives the same issues. Climbing works with atc, but atc doesn’t allow me to decend.
Hope someone can help me with this, because it’s really frustrating. I have flown over 150 hours with this configuration (fbw a32x and simbrief) and it always worked.
For now i’m just ignoring what atc says and continue my flightplan.
ATC needs a lot of improvements because it is not nearly what it good be.
Altitude calls are not realistic.
It happens a lot that ATC calls for a high altitude when on final.
It is then not possible to ask for a lower altitude because this option is not available when on final approach. Calls to a lower altitude after Top of decent are much to late.
On short flights sometimes ATC calls you to go to a altitude of 20.000 or more feet.
Loading flight plans from simbrief made no difference in compare to flight plans that are made in the sim itself.
Flight plans created by SimBrief do not contain the waypoint altitude and speed restrictions used by ATC that are part of flight plans created by the MSFS World Map.
I noticed in the SimBrief download instructions a note that says “After import, you may need to reselect your SID, STAR, or approach using the provided dropdown menus.” If this is done, then the necessary waypoint restrictions are added to flight plan for correct ATC instructions.
Try these instructions and see if your SimBrief flight plan works correctly with ATC.
Flightplans created by MSFS World Map does have the same problems.
ATC is not always following the corresponding altitude of the waypoint.
When there is a altitude constrain ATC is too late with the change altitude call.
For example, it is not possible to go from 19.000 ft to 5000 ft in a 5 miles distance during a flight.
Do you have any flight plans with these errors? I’m asking because I’ve flown many arrivals and approaches for months now without any problems except when VNAV is too aggressive descending before ATC issues the descent request. The VNAV many times descends too low too early below safe obstructions avoidance. It is not a problem with ATC. (Actually ATC keeps telling me that I’m too low which is correct.) It is a problem with VNAV or my inability to program it correctly.
So i’m also unable to request a lower altitude. When i click on request decent to xxxxx altitude, i see in my atc screen that the request has been send to atc, but no response. But if i lower my altitude, atc asks me to climb back to my cruise level. Should i add some screenshots?
When i import my flightplan to msfs via load/save, i can see in the navlog that altitudes are correct. Even then atc doesn’t asks to decend and keep asks me to climb back to my cruise altitude if i decend.
Even tried with approaches /sid /star pre-configured in the world map screen via the drop down menu. Didn’t helped
Sounds like you’re having some other problem. When I use the World map, flight plan and ATC in my way, I don’t have this problem. I don’t know your processes when you fly but I would be willing to bet that your processes is different from mine.
To get to the root of the problem, you really should make a video showing everything you do from beginning until you encounter the flight level issue. Then we will be able to give you specific advice on how to correct it.
I have had this happen a few times. I think what might be happening is an altitude restriction that is higher than the lower altitude request. I get around this by requesting small changes like 1,000 ft. Then I requested 2,000 ft. Eventually I would be able to descend to the original altitude request. It is a pain.
There are some (many?) aircraft from 3rd party developers that do not use any flight plan created by the MSFS World Map flight planner. Are you using a stock Asobo aircraft?
Some people have captured screen images of their flight plan on the World Map. Or just reply typing the departure airport, the SID, the STAR, the approach, and the destination airport. Add the cruising altitude and the aircraft(s) used. The other waypoint info along the route usually doesn’t matter depending on the cruising altitude.
After reinstall, installed my fbw a32x aircraft back (and some other addons) configured everything as before, now atc asks me before my t/d to decend. I can even ask atc now to lower my altitude. (Even with simbrief flightplan) So my problem is solved. Thanks everyone