ATC still grossly out of step and non-compliant with "ATC enforce flight plan" setting

Title is pretty succinct. Career mode ATC still so poorly executed that it is basically just a random, punitive credit-thief. It happens with basically all aircraft.

-It is not compliant with the “ATC enforce flight plan setting” and will send you on vectors/runways, etc not in your flight plan. If you listen there is a 50% or greater chance you’ll get penalized for wrong runway, even though that is where they told you to land.
-It talks over you and even itself, frequently.
-It gets into reporting loops, handing you off from a station to the same station over and over. “(Houston talking) Please contact Houston on…” Over and over.
-It will often ask you to respond even before it completes whatever message it was stating. (penalizes your points)
-It will often ask you to respond immediately after a message. (penalizes your points).
-ATC triggers at the same time as your cabin crew messages often, resulting in one or both not accepting your response.
-Stops responding or locks you into a series of messages that prevent you from doing what you need to not get docked points.
-Ignores that you landed at your destination, leaving you unable to complete the often hours-long missions.
-Attempts to keep you at cruise altitude when you are landing.
-Disjointed, artificial speaking manner
-Will not honor your runway approach requests or allow changes.

All these things happen often. Basically every career mode flight. The longer the flight, the worse it gets. And of course, all of these bugs penalize you, they never favor you.

To reproduce this, all you have to do is take a long flight in career mode. You WILL encounter one or all of these.

No mods, no add-ons. Not using dev mode.

RTX 4080 Super
64gb DDR5 6400
Crucial 2TB T705
1GB fiber service hardwired (CAT6) directly to PC.

Until you can get ATC to operate in a coherent manner, remove it from the score calculation and remove whatever links it has to preventing you from completing missions. Make the comms flow chart go all the way back out. Don’t lock people into canned replies if they don’t apply.

The screenshot is my flying into Vancouver. I was locked into “say again” only and couldn’t respond.

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And here is what you are met with if you cancel IFR out of frustration.


This does not only happen in career mode. I had this happen yesterday on a long-haul flight. I asked for increased cruising altitude, got permission, and one minute later ATC told me I was “1500 feet above your assigned altitude”.Then I “heard myself” telling ATC that I wanted to change destination" (to the same airport as filed in my flightplan…) and this repeated every time the next waypoint was crossed. Later on, ATC seemed to have forgotten I filed for a certain runway, demanded me to “climb and maintain FL360” while I was established on the localizer and cleared to land by that same ATC…

I just hope they’ll fix all the bugs some day…


I’m on Xbox Series X and can confirm all of these issues are there as well.


Xbox X, SU1 beta 2. Free Flight only, various planes.
Same crazy ATC loops, talking over itself, sending me down to 2500 feet and up to FL330 back and forth on final approach, changing destination to what it already is for no apparent reason. Seriously broken. Happens on almost every flight now.

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I just completed a PC-12 flight and the ATC was a loop of increasing my altitude 2,000 ft. Non stop. I stopped replying once it was at FL790. There was no break in the messages. I couldn’t even cancel IFR. Flight plan was set to FL110.

The atrocious ATC isn’t even on their bug list, despite being one of, if not, the biggest problems in the game. I haven’t seen them even acknowledge it, at all, whatsoever in any form.

My latest problem is my 737 fleet keeps killing engines, even when used as passive. I get maybe 4 days out of a brand new plane and then the engines are basically gone when I inspect. Nevermind the landing gears being completely destroyed every day.

I had to plug in my headphones so it blocked out the ATC voice repeating over and over and over in free flight. Also wanting me to go up by 200ft then 2 seconds later down by 200ft and incessantly changing the runway or airport…SIGH

Non-compliant and unrelated posts were scrubbed from this thread. Kindly stay on topic everyone. Thanks.

I honestly don’t understand how you guys torture yourself with this game day in day out . It is broken and it will take time to fix . Huge disappointment from the flight simulator team for releasing it in the first place, they should’ve never released it in this state. For now 2020 is the best option until things are sorted out .

Folks - I’m going to be really succinct here. There have been many non-compliant posts in this thread that do not meet the Improve The Discussion requirement in the Code of Conduct.

Additionally - Bug Reports are exactly that - Reports. The expectation is that a reporter will outline a defect using the Template, and any subsequent posts either A) Validate the report, or B) Abrograte the report (report results that do not validate). That’s it. Discussions, praise, complaints - there are other threads for that. Let’s please keep this neat, clean and on-point.

Let’s kindly stay on track. It would be a great loss if this thread had to be closed because of this kind of behavior. Thanks!