(ATC) voice missing sporadically

Sometimes I get instructions/replies from ATC, sometimes not. Sometimes I hear myself, sometimes not. Seen mostly in career mode.


Ikm getting it in free flight too. Very hit and miss.


Like in 2020 voices come and go for no reason.


I’ve found that 2024 ATC is performing far worse than in MSFS 2020. In 2020 you could actually get somewhat realistic ATC interactions. This one seems to be off in a world of its own not following any logic, or flight plan for that matter!

Major airports where you don’t have the option to request clearance, just announce your taxi and be on your merry way kinda ruins the immersion a bit.

Not to mention the pronunciation of three (tree) sounds strange :stuck_out_tongue:

This is actually correct.

The ICAO, NATO, and FAA use modifications of English digits as code words, with 3, 4, 5 and 9 being pronounced tree , fower (rhymes with lower), fife and niner


I have these issues as well except I also have an issue where ATC quick reply(default: ENTER) just doesn’t work which results in failures to announce fairly frequently. Whether it’s getting on a runway or coming in for a landing or any other reason why I would be penalized for not making the appropriate call. It’s quite frustrating.

Does anybody know if ATC calls are made client or server side even if you’re in career mode? If ATC calls are server-sided then it would make sense why the transmissions just don’t work.

Yes, it is very inconsistent.

I leave Montreal airport with IFR clearance then suddenly all I can do is ask for “Flight Following”

I experienced this, as well.