ATC voice tempo a little unnatural?

I frequently have a hard time hearing certain things in the sim that aren’t a problem with real controllers. I think part of it is the way ATC transitions tempo. Especially from numbers to words. There is a pause with the numbers but the tail end of a number the word will run together with the last number. In my mind it’s changing the callout that I’m mentally processing.

As an example, I’ll hear 1 … 3 … for at 7 instead of 1 … 3 … 4 … at 7.

I could be imaging this but it doesn’t happen when I listen to actual radio communications. Even when spoken fast, a real person or speech synthesized METAR usually clearly defines the words and phrases.

It’s like Azure Voice can do natural language but gets tripped up a little on aviation speak.

You’re not imagining it. There’s definitely something wrong that causes the number four to be confused for the word ‘for’. I reported it way back when it first started, but clearly it hasn’t been fixed.

To make it worse, one of my most used runways is 04. :smiley:

I’ve played around with Azure Voice services and I do think you can create custom cadence. I think the ability is there.

Oh, and taxi directions! They can sound like Eminem on a mad tear.

Well that’s an interesting visual :rofl:

I looked around in the en-US.locPak file for something that I could change to alter its behavior, but I never found anything.