ATC window (menu), keys command not working (buttons from keyboard)

I am also using VoiceAttack and can not get the ATC to pick the right choice with 0-9 can you let me know what keybindings you ended up using? Even if I click numbers on the keyboard nothing is picked.

I just recently started doing full ATC without assistance and sim in VR. I’m having the issue too. About 50% of the time nothing happens on ATC menu bindings.

Hmm, I only fly in VR and haven’t noticed this.

I got ATC option 1-4 mapped to my alpha as mic/trigger + hatswitch NESW respectively for 1 - 4 through Spad. This way I can pretend to hold the speak button while the robot man responds to ATC lol

I’ve never noticed that not working, so maybe a workaround for some.

I have the same, atc option bound to FIP via and it still happened yesterday. At first I thought my profile was lost/broken but then clicking with the mouse also didnt work. It is definately server related issue (azure text to speech). sometimes 5 minutes later everything works fine again.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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ATC key commands work at the start of the flight, but after about 5 interactions key commands stop working and mouse must be used. Annoying if using VR.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

I always fly in VR and it always occurs. I have mapped my head switch button to the options, and after a few successful clicks it just becomes unresponsive. The hide / show ATC button keeps working BTW.

This is very annoying and there seems to be no way to fix or workaround :frowning: